CA DMV Changes Senior Policy

The California DMV has announced that drivers 70 years of age and older whose licenses expire in 2024 and beyond will no longer be required to take a written knowledge test. Some renewal notices of customers with licenses that expire in 2024 may indicate a required knowledge test, which will be waived during the in-office visit. 

This policy change comes with exceptions. License renewal customers whose driving records meet any of the following conditions must still take the knowledge test:

  • Two or more accidents during the two years immediately preceding the expiration of the license 
  • Three or more accidents during the three years immediately preceding the expiration of the license 
  • A DUI suspension during the two years immediately preceding the expiration date of the license
  • A violation point count greater than one within the two years immediately preceding the expiration date of the license (drivers with points on their record will be eligible for the eLearning course, available in English, Spanish and Chinese)

An office visit is still required for the vision exam and an updated photo. The DMV encourages customers to start their renewal application online at to minimize the time it takes to complete the process in an office. Further, the DMV is processing the following transactions online or via a kiosk, a phone or a mail/business partner:

  • Simple vehicle registration renewals that are not past the due date or require an address change
  • Driver’s license renewals that do not require an in-person visit
  • Requests for copies of vehicle registration records, which show a vehicle’s ownership history
  • Requests for copies of driver’s license records, which show a driver’s history
  • Replacing a lost or stolen driver’s license card

Customers may also use the website’s service advisor feature to learn their options to complete DMV tasks. 

