Sit back and listen or sing along to beautiful show tunes and popular songs.
Security will assign the right resources to address your issue.
Be sure to follow local and county ordinances regarding leash laws.
Runoff violation spotted in the Village by county officials
Metropolitan Water District declared a regional emergency this week.
Beginning Monday, Dec. 19, staff will take reservations for 2023.
Learn all about the impact of slumber at the Fit Brain Club’s January meeting.
Providing food to birds, coyotes, squirrels and other wild critters is illegal.
RSVP for this special event and look for changes in club leadership.
Avoid peak hours or find answers using the resident portal.
Increased speeds, rate adjustments are on the GRF agenda for Dec. 6.
Concerned Citizens of Laguna Woods Village invites residents and their guests to a talk on “Momentous Cases on the Culture Wars.”
Enjoy a buffet with all the trimmings, the sounds of carolers, dancing and more!