Laguna Woods Village FAQs

Read frequently asked questions about general information, sales and leasing, and new resident information below. Don’t see an answer to your question? Please email, and we will get back to you with the information you seek!

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How do I report a maintenance issue?
What is new resident orientation and how do I sign up?
Where can I find assessment and assessment payment information?
How do I clear guests at the gates?
How do I enter the gates easily as a resident?
Is my resident ID automatically activated to use at amenities?
How can I find out more about RV and golf cart parking?

Sales and Leasing

Where can I view floorplans?
How do I find a real estate agent and properties for sale?
I’m selling my property. Where do I start?
Where can I get help in renting/leasing a property?

Prospective resident information

Can I tour Laguna Woods Village?
How is the Village run, and what are the differences among the mutuals and GRF?
When was the community built?
How many people live in the community?
What makes Laguna Woods Village so special?
What kind of housing is offered at Laguna Woods Village?
What is meant by cooperative housing?
Do you rent/lease or buy your dwelling unit?
What is the monthly assessment fee?
Is there a cost to use the recreation facilities, other than the monthly fee?
Are guests permitted in the community?
Are pets permitted in the community?
Are there on-site medical facilities?
Are transportation services available within the community?
Upon the death of an owner, what happens to his/her dwelling unit?
What is the minimum age to move into the community?
Are there parking facilities for my vehicle(s)?
Is there a limit to the number of decals for resident vehicles?
