City Involvement Opportunity

Every five years, the County of Orange updates its Urban County Consolidated Plan, which identifies and provides strategies for addressing housing and community development needs in Laguna Woods and other areas of Orange County. The Urban County Consolidated Plan specifically guides the local use of federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds.

Laguna Woods residents are invited to participate in a meeting with County of Orange staff to discuss and provide input on the Urban County Consolidated Plan currently being prepared for the five-year cycle spanning July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2029. Participants will be encouraged to provide input on what they believe are high-priority housing and community development needs warranting the investment of federal funds. To meet federal requirements, high-priority needs must promote decent housing, a suitable living environment and/or economic opportunity.

Meeting Details

Wednesday, November 13
10 a.m.
Laguna Woods City Hall
24264 El Toro Road
No RSVP required

More About CDBG Funding

In the past, the City of Laguna Woods has used CDBG funding to make energy efficiency improvements in residents’ homes (e.g., windows, doors and heat pumps) and a whole host of accessibility improvements across the public sidewalk system (e.g., accessible curb ramps and driveway crossings).

While federal law prohibits expending CDBG funds on private, common-area property, attendees are encouraged to offer feedback about why it should be allowed. For example, city administration has heard from residents who would like ramps installed in place of steps leading up to their manors, and curb ramps or other accessibility improvements made to private sidewalks. These types of improvements may not be immediately possible, but building a record of needs could possibly help the city advocate for future legislative and programmatic changes.

For more information, please contact Craig Fee, Community Development Manager with the County of Orange, at or 714-480-2996.

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