New to the Village?
New resident orientation (NRO) sessions provide an opportunity to become better acquainted with your specific neighborhood and the Village, chat with a member of your housing mutual’s board of directors and learn about the resident portal, dwellingLIVE 24/7 gate access, insurance, service requests, manor alterations procedures, getting involved in the Village and much more. Reservations are required. Please view the orientation schedule below and RSVP today.

Location and contact information
New resident orientations are held in the Community Center board room.
Community Center Board Room
24351 El Toro Road
Laguna Woods, CA 92637
Do you live in United, Third or the Towers?
Information shared during the Third and United new resident orientations is different. Please RSVP for the correct event.
If you are a member of Third Mutual, you own a condo.
Manor numbers are 961-969, 2109-2120, 2126-2129, 2131-2136, 2166-2182, 2192-2208 or 2221-5598.
If you are a member of United Mutual, you own a co-op.
Manor numbers are 1-960, 2001-2108, 221-2125, 2130, 2137-2165, 2183-2191 or 2209-2220.
If you are a member of Mutual No. Fifty (the Towers), you own a condo in one of the Village’s two high-rise buildings.
Manor numbers are 101 (South Tower) and 151 (West Tower). Visit the Towers’ website at for more information.