Why Is My Power Out?

To ensure you have as much information as possible about SCE and why your power might be out, visit sce.com to find answers.

If you are suddenly without power or wish to know when SCE may schedule an outage for maintenance call/visit:

  • For general resources, customer programs, emergency preparedness, maintenance/repair/rotating outages, wildfire mitigation plan and more, from the sce.com main page, click Menu at the top of the page.
  • For customers with a heightened need for power to support medical devices, Southern California Edison (SCE) invites you to consider the following three steps:
  • Visit the SCE Medical Baseline landing page at sce.com/residential/assistance/medical-baseline to find out whether you qualify for a medical baseline allowance that may translate into savings for you.
  • Contact SCE to advise of your critical care/medical needs and to have your account designated as such. This will enable SCE to identify the potential need in your community and collaborate with local government during large-scale emergency events.
  • Update your contact information so SCE may be able to deliver critical information, particularly during emergency events.

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