Please meet Monty and his Mom, Puff.  These two beauties are a remarkable pair.  They have been through so much together and the love they have for each other pulls your heart strings.   Monty is a handsome, blue-eyed, 6 year old Siamese mix, with soft, fluffy fur and flame point markings. He is friendly, sweet and loves to be petted and brushed. He is a gentle cat and takes good care of Puff, his 8 year old momma cat. Puff has cataracts, so she relies on Monty to be near by. In addition to her vision issues, she has an abnormal, unsteady gait. The vet speculated that she was either hit by a car or severely beaten, probably fracturing her hips. So Monty is her guide and protector. She is also very sweet and loving, wanting only to sit beside you and be petted. Both kitties have had recent vet care and been given a clean bill of health. We need to find a loving home for these two incredible cats ASAP.  Please open your home and your hearts to Puff & Monty. If you would like to know more or meet this special bonded pair, please call Olivia at 949-472-4744, or email olivia.lwca@yahoo.com or Terri Olsen at kalicat123@gmail.com.  To see more of Puff and Monty please go to our website at www.lagunawoodscatclub.com or click here to see a video of these two beauties: https://youtu.be/wJ_k4BZjPJg