Archived Version of 2017 Volleyball Club By-Laws

NOTE – these by-laws have been replaced by a newer version in 2018. They remain here for reference purposes only.


The name of the Club shall be the VOLLEYBALL CLUB herein after referred to as the Club.


The objective of the Club is to promote the sport of volleyball; and to promote pleasure, fellowship, competition and exercise for the residents of Laguna Woods Village.  Our Club is designed for intermediate and advanced  level volleyball players.   Our club does not offer volleyball skills training.


Membership in the Club shall be open to all residents of Laguna Woods Village, providing they meet accepted volleyball standards for fitness and can perform the skills necessary to play at the intermediate or advanced volleyball skills level play days.


There are no membership dues and no treasury.


Sec. 1:  There will be no officers, only Board Members.

Sec. 2:  All Board Members are voluntary positions.  There is no term length.  When a Board Member resigns, a new one will be elected.

Sec. 3:  The purpose of the Board is to interact with the recreation department at Laguna Woods Village, attempt to solve Volleyball related problems,  and assess qualification skills of potential Club members.  It is not the Boards responsibility to organize and recruit players for play days. 

Sec. 4:  Only advanced level Board Members will be eligible to assess player skills.


Sec. 1:  Play days will be based on skill levels:  advanced and intermediate.

Sec. 2:  It will be the responsibility of the advanced level Board Members to assess the skill level placement of Club members.  This will be done by observing the skills of players.  If a player decides to challenge their assessment by the Board, a questionnaire regarding the players skill level will be given to advanced level players to further assess the players skills.  The Board’s decision will only be changed if the majority of those returning the questionnaire disagree with the Board.  If the player still disagrees with the results of the questionnaire they must wait a minimum of six months before they may bring another challenge request to the Board.

Sec. 3:  It is the responsibility of the players in each skill level to recruit players and organize the play days for that level.

Sec.. 4:  Skill level requirements will be created by the Board and a copy of those skill requirements will be posted on the Club bulletin board.


The Club holds no regular meetings.  A meeting can be called at any time if a Board Member feels it is necessary to have a meeting.  Otherwise, most Club business will be conducted via e-mails.