為增進Laguna Woods Village華人 pickleball 球友間的交流,Laguna Woods 華聯會將於2023年3月21日(週二)11:00 – 14:00 在 Laguna Woods Pickleball 球場舉行2023年華人 Pickleball 友誼賽。報名細則,比賽規則和比賽獎金如下:
1. 比賽只限於雙打比賽,分A (較高水平球員), B(中,初級球員)兩組。比賽不分年齡和性別,請大家根據自己水平報名。每組限報20個名額(以收到報名費為準),報滿為止。
2. 報名方式: 請大家跟以下四位聯絡人在乒乓球室,輕排球和Pickleball 球場,週六步行或射箭室報名:
乒乓球室 (Table Tennis Room) – 周靜之 Jingzhi Zhou
輕排球室 (Light Volleyball Group) – 於利敏 Lyon Yu
匹克球 (Pickleball Court) – 鮑其濱 QiBin Bao
週六步行或射箭室 (Saturday Walking Group & Archery) – 仲躋明 Jimmy Joong
3. 此次友誼賽以華聯會會員為主,但也歡迎非華聯會會員參加。
4. 報名費用: 華聯會會員 $2,非華聯會員 $5。 報名費包含華聯會提供的午餐(Pizza,水)。
5. 比賽搭檔將由組委會在A , B 各組中隨機抽籤決定。
6. 第一輪比賽,先將每個級別組隨機分成兩個小組(A1, A2, B1,B2, 每個小組有5隊隊員)。小組比賽以單循環形式(round robin)進行,(即每對球員都有機會和小組中的其它四對球員有一次比賽機會)。小組賽以一局(11分)定勝負。比賽採用信任制。賽前,兩隊隊員派代表以投幣選邊或發球。猜對方先選。
7. 比賽用球由華聯會統一提供。
8. 每個小組的名次由每隊的總勝分數決定。如果兩隊(或數對)總勝分數相同,則以合計每局的淨胜分較多者為勝。如果兩隊淨胜分再次相同,則以兩對之間比賽中勝者為領先。
9. 每個小組的前兩名進入半決賽, 半決賽以交叉進行,即A1 的第一名對陣A2 的第二名,A1的第二名對陣A2 的第一名, B1 的第一名對陣B2 的第二名,B1的第二名對陣B2 的第一名。比賽規則與小組賽相同。
10. A,B兩組的半決賽勝者進入決賽,負者進入3-4名的比賽。決賽比賽由3局2勝決勝負,3-4名比賽還是一局決勝負。
每組(A,B) 的冠軍隊獎金為$50,亞軍為$30,季軍為$20,第四名為$10。
CAC Pickleball Friendship Tournament will be held on Tuesday March 21st, 2023 11 AM to 2 PM at LWV Outdoor Pickleball Court. Details of registration, rules of play, and prizes are as follows:
1. There are 2 divisions doubles games: Division A for advanced players, and Division B for beginners & intermediate players. No division based on genders and age. Only 20 players allowed per division, on a first come first served basis (when registration fee is received).
2. Please contact the registration personnel as listed in the Chinese language section above.
3. CAC Members and non-members are welcomed.
4. Registration fee is $2 for CAC members and $5 for non-members. Pizza lunch and bottled water included.
5. Teammates for each division are decided by committee via random drawing of names.
6. First round of play will be in a round robin format. So each division will have 2 groups – A1, A2, B1, B2. Each group will have 5 teams (10 people). Each team will play against every other team within the group. Eleven point game will be played. Each team can choose sides or serve, and the team who guesses a tossed coin correctly will have priority to choose.
7. Pickleball Balls will be provided by CAC.
8. The team that has the most accumulated points will win the first round within each group. If 2 teams have the same points, then the team with the most net gain points will be the winning team. If that results in the same number of points, then the two teams will play a game to decide with winner for the first round.
9. The 2 winning teams within each group will play in the semi-final round as follows: A1 First vs. A2 Second, A1 Second vs. A2 First, B1 First vs. B2 Second, B1 Second vs. B2 First.
10. The 2 winning teams within each division A & B will play in the final round. The winner of 2 games out of 3 will be the 1st winner for each division. The other team will be 2nd winner for each division. The 2 teams that lost in the semi-final round will play one more game to become the 3rd and 4th winner for each division.
The prizes for each division are $50, $30, $20, $10 for the first, second, third, and fourth teams respectively.
拉谷娜山莊華人聯誼會 || Chinese American Club of Laguna Woods Village