​九月廿一日世界和平日 -8-11-2020


A Message of Peace from Irene Cheng, Vice President, Chinese American Club in Laguna Woods:

“Peace is our Dream! All of us in the Chinese American Club of Laguna Woods feel very honored to be invited to join in our community celebration of the UN’s International Day of Peace! 

“The Chinese people are peace-loving people. Our history goes back 5000 years, and Peace is central to its rich culture. The Chinese invented gunpowder not to make war on other people or other lands, but to make firecrackers to celebrate their new year.  Zheng He, a great explorer during the Ming dynasty (14th C), made seven voyages through Southeast Asia to Eastern Africa on behalf of the emperor— not to conquer, but to make friends and establish trade and goodwill.

“At the heart of Chinese society are the teachings and philosophy of Confucius who believed there is a basic order in the universe, a natural harmony linking man, nature, and the cosmos (heaven). “The great way to achieve great harmony,” said Confucius, “is for the world community to be equally shared by all. “He considers that we all belong to one family, the human family. Therefore, we should take care of each other as brothers and sisters. Our founding father, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, followed this long-standing rule to govern our country.

“One of the key teachings of Confucius is “What you do not do to yourself, do not do to the others.” If everybody follows this golden rule, there will be no conflict, only peace. 

“In recent history, we have been through two world wars. We know how destructive and devastating war is for us. Now we have more advanced weapons. If war erupted now, the destruction would be unbearable.

Today we have one common enemy, COVID-19. It threatens our health, security, and every single person’s way of life. We must be united and focus on the battle against this unprecedented global pandemic. We need Peace more than ever. Inner peace and outer peace. Outer peace to avoid the war, the Inner is to maintain a calm mind.

COVID – 19 weighs heavily on our minds these days, there are many ways to ease stress and anxiety. Many classes are offered online, such as Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation, and stress control exercises. We can take this opportunity to learn how to calm our mind

This virus strikes everybody regardless of one’s gender, race, and nationality.  It spreads indiscriminately. Let us not use it to discriminate against a particular group of people.

Peace is everybody’s dream. Let’s all shape peace together to make our dream come true.

以上是本會應邀參加聯合國九月廿一日世界和平日活動所寫的message. 主要是就歷史文化的覌點說明中華民族是一個愛好和平的民族。

主辦單位( The Concerned Citizens of Laguna Woods) 特別希望籍華人的智慧與経驗提供一些建議來宣揚和平的理念,進而引起大家的共鳴,例如故事,文章,詩歌及照片等,他們會放在 Face Book 上和大家分享,他們的 Face Book link 如下:




拉谷娜山莊華人聯誼會 || Chinese American Club of Laguna Woods Village