Chinese American Club - 拉谷娜山莊華人聯誼會

Chinese American Club (CACLWV) is a non-profit organization of Chinese Americans living in the Laguna Woods Village.


Contact Us

Contact CACLWV (聯繫我們)

P. O. Box 3089, Laguna Hills, CA 92654-9998


  1. 通過舉辦各種聯谊活動, 促進和加強會員之間的聯絡與感情;健身怡性,互通信息,豐富退休生活。維護 全體會員的共同權益。
  2. 協助新會員儘快熟悉本社區的環境和生活型態。
  3. 組織和策劃慶祝中國的傳统節日以及其他社交活動。
  4. 弘揚中國文化,促進華裔與其他各族裔之間的文化交流,增進了解與合作,進而和睦相處。
  5. 促進本社區的管理服務和参與慈善公益活動。

 Chinese American Club (CACLWV) Mission                                       

  1. The CACLWV is formed to promote mutual benefit and general welfare of the Chinese residents in Laguna Woods Village. It’s efforts shall be to manage and provide the social activities maintain recreational and the development of mental and health benefits for the members. 
  2. To provide assistance to new Chinese residents to adapt the new lifestyle in this village.
  3. To organize and celebrate the Chinese traditional festivals and other social activities.
  4. To enhance the cross cultural relationship through the cultural activities. Promote better understanding and corporation with the other ethnic group in this village.
  5. To provide services to the local community and participate charitable activities in this village.


Club Events

Club News


The information, opinions and all other content on Club webpages are solely the responsibility of the particular Club. Neither GRF nor the managing agent is responsible for the accuracy or content of information on Club webpages, and all responsibility therefore is hereby denied.

All statements, actions and failures to act by any Club or Club member shall be the sole responsibility of that Club and its members. GRF does not endorse, approve or authorize such conduct, and expressly disclaims all responsibility and liability therefore, without exception.

Unless otherwise stated, all meetings, events and amenities are for the use of Laguna Woods Village residents and their authorized guests only.