Fun "Facts": Badminton in Movies
Few know that 2 very popular badminton movies are currently available for streaming. First, the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice . It's a tear jerking movie about the sins of being too prideful when one plays badminton at a very high level while at the same time being painfully prejudiced against those that are dismal failures at the game. Second, the 2011 version of Jane Eyre. This is a poignant tale of forbidden love for the game of badminton. Jane and Rochester must play badminton in secret as the local town folk think that the optics are bad for a game that requires players to ruthlessly pound "birds" with rackets. The final line in the movie haunts me to this day as Jane cries out, "Oh Rochester, let us flee to Gilroy where we can play badminton whenever the fancy strikes us, while feasting on delicious garlic!". Both movies will immerse you in the joys and heartbreak of badminton.
Ok...this isn't quite accurate. However , the movies are very entertaining, with each having about a 10 second scene of badminton revelry. Check them out!