Save the date for upcoming meetings
To view the most current schedule of board and committee meetings visit Board and Committees Calendar. Board and committee meetings have options for in-person or online attendance through Zoom and Granicus. Please read the meeting details to find out of the meeting is open to the public or offered on Zoom/Granicus prior to attending.

Attend meetings via Granicus
Visit Granicus to watch board and committee meetings online via Granicus (board meetings are also televised on TV6). Meetings are listed by date, with the most recent at the top. Click Video to watch the meetings and view agenda documents, or click Agenda to see the documents and backup materials. Viewers also can locate agenda items by typing keywords into the 搜索 box.
Members also are invited to submit comments by emailing any time before or during the meeting. Include your name, unit number and the meeting on which you’re commenting in the email subject field.
All meetings are subject to change; ending times are approximate.
Attend meetings via Zoom
Residents can participate live in board and committee meetings when held via Zoom. Other meetings besides board and committee meetings may be held via GoToMeeting.
Zoom allows Village residents to virtually raise their hand, ask questions and speak to board and committee members in real time. Zoom also automatically records and publishes board and committee meetings to Granicus, so residents can watch them on demand.
To attend virtual board or committee meetings, just look for the Zoom meeting link in the Open Forum section of the respective board or committee agenda posted on the calendar. Click on the link a few minutes prior to the meeting to launch Zoom. Then select Open Zoom Meetings and Launch Meeting when prompted. Residents will not need to register or enter a password to attend.
Members who wish to speak during the member comment agenda item may use the Raise Hand button on the Zoom screen. Members will be recognized in the order in which they have raised the hand. The corporate secretary will then enable the member to speak.
Click here to watch Zoom video how-tos and tutorials, including Join a Meeting.