華人聯誼會章程12/20/21版修正項目(Update to 12/20/21 Bylaw)



3.4 修改條文:“理事會之组成:由執行小组與各工作组長组成。現有理事13人,根據工作需要以及會員人數可以調整,最少為11人,最多為15人。理事總人數,保持為奇數。”





7.1.7 修改全文為“年度出席率未達50%者由理事會予以處分。”


7.2 最後两字”開除”改為”無限停權”.


The current bylaw of CAC is the 12/20/21 version.  The following amendments to that version has been proposed and approved by more than 2/3 of the board:

3.4 Amend the article: “The number of Board of Directors is currently 13; the number can be adjusted as needed to a minimum of 11 and a maximum of 15.  The total number of directors needs to remain an odd number.”

3.7 Amend the article: “The executive group shall consist of the president and two vice-presidents, a total of three people.”

Before 5.1, that is, at the end of (5), add text: “The board of directors will adjust the division of labor amongst board members as required.”

Delete the last sentence of 5.1b: “Write meeting minutes and send them to all directors.”

Add text to 5.4c: “Financial statements are to be published to the Board of Directors once a year.”

7.1.7 Modify the full text to “Those directors whose annual attendance rate does not reach 50% may be disciplined by the Board of Directors.”

7.1.11 Newly added article “Any online chat group established in the name of CAC is established for CAC announcements.  Without the consent of the board of directors, CAC directors and members are not allowed to publish, advertise, announce, incite, or slander in any of these chat groups.  Any such unauthorized post will be removed, and the offending member will be removed fro the chat group without warning.”

7.2 The last two words “fired” are changed to “indefinite suspension”.

According to CAC bylaw: If no objections are received from more than 50% of members within ten days, the above amendments will be approved and become effective immediately.

华人联谊会理事会 (CAC Board)


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