地點:Clubhouse3 Dining Room1
參賽者:64 人16 桌
報名費:會員$10非會員$25, 非會員報名必須在會員們公開報名開始後一周才開放,
若先繳會費 $15元者, 可以以會員身分報名, 不受限制, 比賽規則細節賽前郵件通知。
一.初賽64 人, 12:30開始為兩小時, 或是打完四圈, 各桌成績最佳者晉級.
複賽 16 人, 於15:00開始, 同樣是兩小時, 或是打完四圈, 各桌成績最佳者晉級.
決賽 4 人, 於17:40開始, 打完四圈, 決定名次;
二.賽前四月十一日星期四有現場說明會, 時間9:00~12:00, 地點Clubhouse5 Multipurpose Room, 說明比賽規則,台數算法和展現例子。
三.賽事三月十六日星期六起公開接受報名及繳費, 可以代報名和繳費,完成繳費者才算是完成報名. 報名, 請發郵件給 jimmy.joong@gmail.com, 註明中英文姓名, 聯絡電話, 是否華聯會會員, 不論是村內居民或村外居民均請提供門牌號碼,方便查核。
四.參加者務必於12:00時到場,12:30時正式比賽。 若遲到者,則視同棄權,不退還報名費。報名後,退賽者不退款。可自己找人頂替名額。
五.繳費地點: Club House 5 棋牌室, 於
3/28, 週四上午 9-12 點,
3/29, 週五上午 9-12點,
3/30 下午 1- 5 點.
繳費者可支付現金, 或支票. 如這三天都不方便, 請另外安排.
冠軍 $150 元, 亞軍 $100元, 季軍 $80 元, 殿軍 $60元,
其他 12 位晉級複賽者為第五名, 下次參賽免繳報名費(價值 $10元).
七.贊助: 二百五方城社提供$250獎金
初賽胡的最大牌40台以上前3名($125 。$75。$50), 胡牌40台或超過者請舉手, 讓裁判驗證並登記生效.
八.比賽用品:鼓勵參賽者中的16位朋友攜帶大小適中的麻將連同用具一套,包括桌布,尺子四把, 骰子三個。每人獎勵$2。競賽出16人以後,請將麻將連同用具帶走。
九.餐飲:賽事現場會發放參賽者每人一份精緻餐點, 進入決賽者4位,另備有一份餐盒。
CAC will hold the third mahjong competition in 2024
Date and time: April 15, 2024 12:00pm~8:30pm
Location: Clubhouse3 Dining Room1
Participants: 64 people, 16 tables
Registration fee: $10 for members and $25 for non-members. Registration for non-members cannot begin until one week after the open registration for members.
As long as you paid the membership fee of $15, you can register as a member. Details of the competition rules will be notified by email before the competition.
1. There are 64 people in the preliminary round, which will last for two hours starting at 12:30, or after four rounds, and the person with the best score at each table will advance.
There are 16 people in the rematch, starting at 15:00, which is also two hours, or after four rounds, the person with the best score at each table will advance.
The finals of 4 people will start at 17:40, and after four rounds, the ranking will be determined;
2. There will be an on-site briefing session on Thursday, April 11th, from 9:00 to 12:00, in Clubhouse5 Multipurpose Room, where the competition rules, table number algorithm and display examples will be explained.
3. The event will be open for registration and payment starting from Saturday, March 16th. You can register and pay on your behalf. Only those who complete the payment will be deemed to have completed the registration. To register, please send an email to jimmy.joong@gmail.com, indicating your name in Chinese and English, your contact number, whether you are a member of CAC, please provide your house number for easy verification whether you are a resident of the village.
4. Participants must arrive at 12:00, and the official competition starts at 12:30. If you are late, it will be deemed as a waiver and the registration fee will not be refunded. After registration, no refund will be given to those who withdraw. You can find someone to take your place.
5. Payment location: Club House 5 Card Room, in
3/28, Thursday 9-12am,
3/29, Friday 9am-12pm,
3/30 1-5pm.
Payers can pay in cash or by check. If it is not convenient during these three days, please make other arrangements.
6. Competition Prize:
First place $150, second place $100, third place $80, fourth place $60,
The other 12 people who advance to the semi-finals will be ranked fifth and will be exempted from paying the registration fee (valued at $10) for the next competition.
7. Sponsor: 250 Square City Club provides $250 bonus
In the preliminary round, the top 3 with the highest number of Hu cards (40 or more) ($125, $75, $50), please raise your hand if you have 40 or more Hu cards, let the referee verify and the record will be effective.
The undistributed prize money will be awarded to the top N winners with 40 or more units in the semi-finals.
If there are any undistributed prizes, the winner with the best score in the finals will be the sole winner.
8. Competition supplies: The 16 contestants are encouraged to bring a set of mahjong equipment of appropriate size, including a tablecloth, four rulers, and three dice. Reward $2 per person. After 16 players are determined in the competition, please take away the mahjong and equipment.
9. Catering: Each participant will be given an exquisite meal at the competition site, and the four finalists will also be provided with another meal box.