山城小鎮Ojai和里根總統圖書館一日遊 – 7月9日周六



一. 79日週六舉辦山城小鎮Ojai和里根總統圖書館的一日遊。





四.團費只收支票。請寫:C$O Travel lnc.




左秋蓮 858-699-3211

董景雯(Jennifer) 714-553-5150


七. 行程安排:

第一站 ,前往美版香格里拉山城小鎮Ojai,一個被橘子樹和橡樹包圍的世外桃源小鎮,由仙人掌點綴的西班牙風格小鎮,很多西部電影的取景地。這裡有世界上最大戶外書店,這裡群山環抱,風光秀麗,寧靜的小鎮街道和店鋪都收拾的很棒,非常賞心悅目,讓人宛若身處南歐小鎮,擺脫塵世喧囂,是好萊塢名流最愛的度假勝地,被譽為美國最有仙氣的小鎮。整座城鎮低矮式的西班牙建築風格完全不見商業大廈的破壞,因此得以將大片藍天綠地盡收眼底。這裡沒有購物人潮,沒有潮流的塗鴉牆或打卡點,有的就是自然,愜意,慢活。讓我們享受自然,放慢腳步,好好體驗那久違的“放鬆”。

第二站 前往洛杉磯地標式景點Top10羅納德里根總統圖書館和博物館 (Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum), 這裡是美國12個總統圖書館中最大的壹個, 館中最知名的永久展出應屬美國總統空軍壹號座機。館內面積百畝,館中收藏諸多里根總統在職期間所簽署的重要檔案和數以萬計的白宮書面記錄及歷史影片。圖書館收藏有超過6,000萬頁檔案、超過160萬張照片、50萬英尺電影膠片等。由於里根在任時,贊成拆除柏林牆,以謀東西德統一,柏林牆拆除後遺留大批磚塊,裡根總統因此挑選了一塊巨大的磚石,囑人運回美國,存置於里根圖書館大門前,成爲圖書館受人矚目的一景。


一.  活動費用$30/人(往返商業大巴”$500萬保險”車資+停車費+旅行社$500萬保險)。






As per CAC’s 2022 activity plan, a one-day tour will be organized in July this year.

1.  Ojai & Reagan Presidential Library Day Trip on Saturday, 7/9/22.  Limit is 100 people. If there are less than 50 people, trip will be cancelled.

2.  Pick-up and drop-off time and place: On Saturday, 7/9/22 8:30 am, depart from Gate 3.  Back to Gate 3 in the evening.

3.  Tour fee: $30/person. The driver tips is not included.  Reagan Library tickets are not included.

4.  The tour fee is paid by check only, payable to C$O Travel lnc.  The check will be turned over to the travel agency upon receipt.  Non-refundable.  Please find a replacement yourself should you need to withdraw.

5.  Reservation: Starts today until we reach the limit of 100.

6.  Reservation Contacts:

Qiu-Lian Zuo – 858-699-3211

Jennifer Tung – 714-553-5150

Diana Wu – 626-890-8938


The first stop is Ojai, the American version of the Shangri-La mountain town, a paradise town surrounded by orange trees and oak trees, a Spanish-style town decorated with cacti, and the location of many western movies. There is the largest outdoor bookstore in the world, surrounded by mountains and beautiful scenery. The quiet town streets and shops are well organized and very beautiful. You will feel like you are in a southern European town and get away from the hustle and bustle of the world. It is the favorite of Hollywood celebrities. The resort is known as the most fairy town in the United States. The low-rise Spanish architectural style of the whole town is completely free from the destruction of commercial buildings, so it is possible to have a panoramic view of the large blue sky and green space. There are no shopping crowds, no trendy graffiti walls or check-in points, some are natural, comfortable and slow. Let’s enjoy nature, slow down and experience the long-lost “relaxation”.

The second stop is to the top 10 Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum, a landmark attraction in Los Angeles, which is the largest of the 12 presidential libraries in the United States. The most famous permanent exhibition in the museum is the US Presidential Air Force One. The museum covers an area of 100 acres and houses many important files signed by President Ronald Reagan during his tenure in office, as well as tens of thousands of White House written records and historical films. The library houses more than 60 million pages of archives, more than 1.6 million photographs, 500,000 feet of film footage, and more. When Reagan was in office, he favored the dismantling of the Berlin Wall in order to reunify East and West Germany. After the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, a large number of bricks were left. Therefore, President Reagan chose a huge brick and ordered it to be transported back to the United States and stored in front of the gate of the Reagan Library. , has become an eye-catching scene in the library.


1.  The activity fee is $30/person (includes commercial bus “$5 million insurance” + parking fee + travel agency $5 million insurance).

2.  Reagan Museum tickets are not included at $21.95 per person (includes tickets for the special exhibition “Secrets of World War II” in the museum).

3.  Driver gratuities are not included.

I wish you all a pleasant day trip!

CAC Board


拉谷娜山莊華人聯誼會 || Chinese American Club of Laguna Woods Village