Stewards of shared services and amenities
The Golden Rain Foundation of Laguna Woods, or GRF, oversees seven clubhouses, five pools, two fitness centers, the Equestrian Center and trails, two garden centers, two golf courses, the tennis complex, plus the fine arts and crafts facilities as well as the private bus system, security patrols, gates, cable system, roads, parking lots, the maintenance of all common buildings and properties, and extensive social and recreational programs.
Members of the housing mutual corporations—United, Third or the Towers—are resident members of GRF.
The GRF board of directors are elected by members of the three mutual housing boards and serve three-year overlapping terms. Approximately one third of the board seats are filled during an annual election. Board members of the mutual housing corporations exercise the voting power for electing members of the GRF board.
GRF board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the board room of the Community Center, located at 24351 El Toro Road, Laguna Woods, CA 92637.

Cush Bhada

Martin Roza

Alison Bok

Egon Garthoffner

Andy Ginocchio

Marie Collins

Gary Duerst

Ellen Leonard

Steven Leonard

Manohar Motwani

Brad Rinehart