Bulky-Item Pickups

CR&R’s bulky-item pickup program picks up unwanted clutter weekly, without you having to call Resident Services to request collection.

Simply place unwanted bulky items out by your shared trash enclosure or on the curb where your personal trash and recycling carts are collected on your area’s collection day between 7 p.m. the night before and 8 a.m. the day of your pickup.

Please only place bulky items at the enclosures you typically use to discard your trash and recycling. If you have a personal cart, only place bulky items at the curb where you normally place trash and recycling carts for collection.

When placing out bulky items for collection, please do not block access to any enclosure, containers in any enclosure or vehicle travel. Car parts, construction/demolition/hazardous waste and items not safely loaded and unloaded into a vehicle by two people will not be accepted.

Click यहाँ to look up your bulky-item area collection day and learn what bulky items are accepted.

Alternatively, consider donating useable bulky items to charity to reduce the tonnage that ends up in the local landfill.

For more information, email CR&R at LagunaWoods-Recycles@CRRMail.com या कॉल करें 949-625-6735.

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