What Goes Where

To know what to recycle, what to place in the organics bins, what to toss in the landfill trash container and what requires special disposal, click here or the Download PDF button below.

Organics Recycling Made Easy

  • Click here to view/download a City of Laguna Woods flyer for guidance on use of the organic carts (what is and isn’t considered organics recycling materials). 
  • Use compostable bags to dispose of organic items (paper bags and newspaper are acceptable).
  • Click here to access an interactive map or click here to access a printable map that highlights your nearest organics cart. Do not move organic waste recycling carts from their intended locations, as carts will not be serviced in areas where they are not assigned. If you find a cart that has been moved, please email LagunaWoods-Recycles@CRRMail.com

Notes About Green Waste

Green waste is accepted in the organics carts. However, to ensure everyone can participate in the program and use the carts for accepted waste, please do not fill the organics carts with garden/lawn prunings. Email or call Resident Services at residentservices@vmsinc.org/949-597-4600 with your manor address any time before noon on Thursday to schedule a Friday clippings pickup. 

If you have trash, recycling and organics recycling questions, concerns or requests, please email CR&R at LagunaWoods-Recycles@CRRmail.com या कॉल करें 949-625-6735. Requests received after the Thursday deadline will be serviced as soon as possible the following week.

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