各位會員 : 請事先登記,在網上追蹤你的選票。
本會收到加州州務卿有關普選的通知如下 :
各位加州的選民 : 2020年11月3日所舉行的普選,所有加州的選民全部用通訊投票的方式選舉,選民們都會收到選票以及一個附有回郵的信封。
Dear California Voter,
All California voters will be sent a vote-by-mail ballot with a prepaid postage return envelope for the November 3, 2020 General Election.
All voters can now get critical updates on their ballots through California’s official “Where’s My Ballot?” tracking tool. Signing up takes less than three minutes!You can also copy this URL into your browser: wheresmyballot.sos.ca.gov
**If you have already signed up for “Where’s My Ballot?” you do not need to take further action.**
What you’ll be able to trackYou can select to receive notifications on the status of your vote-by-mail ballot by text (SMS), email, or voice call, including alerts if there are any issues with your ballot and instructions for how to correct them to make sure your vote is counted.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to track your ballot every step of the way!
Alex Padilla
California Secretary of State
P.S. Know other California voters who might be interested in tracking their vote-by-mail ballot? Share this URL with them today: wheresmyballot.sos.ca.gov
近日疫情雖略見趨穏,但專家分析,病毒將以候鳥的模式在南北半球來回傳播,所以我們還是不能掉以輕心,就是説我們現在的生活方式可能會持續很久,變成常態, 大家應該有心理準備,學習與病毒共存的生活方式。
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