外聯公關組: 余寄玲(組長),孫寧邦,劉凱嘉,張美智
後勤組: 蕭慶平,張亮明,楊茂春
計劃組: 王麗明(組長),蕭慶平,楊達冠、郝懿範
愛心關懷組: 周靜芝,何仙蒂,于虹冰,周瑞敏,張亮明
綜藝組: 常娟,張美智
秘書組: 謝萌
CAC has completed the review & assessment of the 2022 committee tasks and accomplishments, and planned the 2023 activities. The following is the summary:
* During the previous year 2021, 18 board members had resigned.
* During the present year 2022, one board member had resigned. The new CAC board and committees have worked harmoniously to service the 683 CAC members.
* For the upcoming year 2023, all board members and committee members will continue in their current positions. As well, due to increase of CAC members, the board has approved additional board members and committee members as follows:
1. CAC Board – 2 new members
2. Communication Committee – 4 new members
3. Support Committee – 3 new members
4. Planning Committee – 4 new members
5. Care Committee – 5 new members
6. Performance Committee – 2 new members
7. Secretarial Committee – 1 new member
* The activities planned for year 2023 include: 4 festivities, bus tours, sports competitions, chess and mahjong competitions, archery competition (in discussion), cultural performances, seminars on various subjects such as medical & health, computer & smart phone usages. The required LWV venues for all these activities have also been secured by CAC.
We are looking forward to a fun-filled 2023 for all CAC members!
華人聯誼會理事會 (CAC Board)
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