尊敬 की मूल बातें:
年年總有月圓時,家家相聚才是圓。端午的龍舟還在人們茶餘飯後的話題時,轉眼中秋的月亮又將我們團聚一起。華聯大家庭熱烈歡迎會員們,前來參加一年一度的中秋佳節聚會,這是一個快樂在一起的温馨享受時光,也是華聯會對大家長期以來的大力支持的回報。屆時,我們的資深顧問蔣棠先生,熱心捐贈與會每位一塊蓮蓉雙黃大月餅; 與此同時,大家還能欣賞到一台會員們自編自演樂在其中的精彩綜藝活動,希望給大家留下難忘的回憶!
地點: 五號俱樂部大廳。當天除聯歡節目,每位還有一份"特制貴夫人中式美味餐盒及蔣棠夫婦贈送月餅一個”。
吳淑蓉 (Susan Wu) 469-288-0533
湯玉金 (Donna Ludlum) 248-396-1743
周釆蒖 (Jan Zhou) 949-262-9271
3》二四太極班 週六早餐會
周世敏(Alma Yao) 203-613-1865
董景雯(Jennifer Tung )714-553-515
左秋蓮 (Qiu-Lian Zuo) 858-699-3211
6》CH2 太極練習组 星期一和二 9 to 10 am.
余碧珍 (Eliza Lipton )973-768-0004
7 》現場報名:感謝韓曉榕會員代訂#969 Calle Aragon (1號俱樂部公車臨時站右手邊三層樓房)樓下交誼廳:
朱靜雯 949-230-7138
李 瑛 949-397-0862
*希望大家互相轉告!不要錯過。 儘早報名。
順致:天時 地利 人和 快樂 康健,友好!
Dear members:
When the moon is full every year, it is full when every family gathers together. While the Dragon Boat Festival was still a topic of conversation among people after dinner, in a blink of an eye the autumn moon will reunite us. The CAC family warmly welcomes members to attend the annual Mid-Autumn Festival gathering. This is a warm and enjoyable time to be together happily, and it is also a reward for the long-term support of the CAC Association. At that time, our senior consultant Mr. Jiang Tang will enthusiastically donate a lotus paste and double yolk mooncake to each attendee; at the same time, everyone can also enjoy a wonderful variety show that members wrote, performed and had fun in. We hope it will leave you with a lasting impression. Make unforgettable memories!
The following is the specific arrangement of this event:
Time: Thursday, September 19, 2024
Entrance: 9:30 am
Show starts: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Location: Club Hall No. 5. In addition to the gala program that day, everyone also received a special Chinese delicious lunch box and a mooncake as a gift from Jiang Tang and his wife.
2024 Membership $15
Non-membership fee is $30.
Each performer: $10
(Contact Zhu Jingwen or Li Ying directly. Please register as a group. Thank you for your cooperation)
Registration location and volunteer hotline:
1》Table Tennis Room:
Susan Wu 469-288-0533
Donna Ludlum 248-396-1743
2》Morning sports and choir
Jan Zhou 949-262-9271
3》Two Four Tai Chi Class Saturday Breakfast Meeting
Zhou Shimin (Alma Yao) 203-613-1865
4》Saturday dance class:
Jennifer Tung
5》Happy Hall and Calligraphy and Painting Association
Qiu-Lian Zuo 858-699-3211
6》CH2 Tai Chi practice group Monday and Tuesday 9 to 10 am.
Eliza Lipton 973-768-0004
7 》On-site registration: Thanks to member Han Xiaorong for booking the location: #969 Calle Aragon (the three-story building on the right side of the No. 1 Club Bus Temporary Station) downstairs social hall
5 days from Monday, August 26th to Friday, August 30th:
9:30am to 11:30am daily. There are rotating volunteer services. Contact number
Zhu Jingwen 949-230-7138
Li Ying 949-397-0862
*Please tell each other! Don’t miss it.
Sign up early.
Wishing you all the best!
華人聯誼會理事會 (सीएसी बोर्ड)
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