尊敬 की मूल बातें:
為了方便會員之間彼此認識和交流,我們決定把會員們姓名,電話,地址印在會員錄上。在端午節聚會時,每位會員都可索取一份會員錄。凡是不願意把姓名,電話,或地址印在會員錄的會員,請在5月10日之前,回覆此電郵 (lwcac2021@gmail.com) 通知本會, 並註明你的 地址 / Manor # 及姓名。
CAC will be printing a member directory including members’ names, telephone, and addresses. The directory will be distributed to the members during the Dragon Boat Festival Celebration. If any member would like to opt out of printing their names, phone numbers, or addresses in the directory, please reply to this email (lwcac2021@gmail.com) before May 10th, 2022. Please write your address / manor #, and names.
Since printing setup is in progress, we cannot accept any late replies past the above due date. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
華聯秘書組 CAC Secretary
拉谷娜山莊華人聯誼會 || लगुना वुड्स विलेज का चीनी अमेरिकी क्लब