尊敬 की मूल बातें:
感恩節前夕,向所有長年捐款的華聯的熱心人士致上最崇高的敬意!有您愛心捐款, 華聯活動才能有摸彩,有紅包,有粽子,有月餅,卡拉Ok有歌唱,旅遊有歡樂,比賽有獎金,聖誕新年有舞會,每月有月會! 今年更舉辦了為九秩壽星祝壽及感謝志願者的慶祝活動。
即將來臨的2024,已經有多位尊敬熱心人士表示將繼續捐款支持華聯,華聯會員繼續有福了! 我們在此致上最深謝意及敬意!
感恩節前夕,蕭良傑女士捐贈$3,000元,她老人家將支票交給華聯同時肯定華聯會近期的努力,還有殷切的期望,希望華聯更好! 華聯當時刻不忘初心,同心協力為會員服務!感謝蕭大姐的慷慨與愛心!
2024年新的理事,依姓氏排名:王麗明,朱靜雯,余少珍,李瑛,徐文熹,張宴菱,孫寧邦,楊平飛,樊惠萍,謝美玟,謝萌共11人。 他們不僅具備無私奉獻精神,還俱備服務華聯各項活動的技能。 請大家繼續支持鼓勵! 感謝!
1. 12月21日上午10時至下午1時在五號俱樂部舉辦慶聖誕迎新年歌舞聯歡會! 座位300名,報名詳情請注意下次通告。
2. 2024年2月6日迎春節聯歡活動,請大家期待。
3. 2023年會員,12月31日即將屆滿,希望大家都能愛護支持鼓勵華聯,繼續加入2024華聯大家庭! 2024入會申請書如附件,或在乒乓球室索取或電話聯絡所有現任理事。感謝!感恩!
On Thanksgiving eve, CAC Board would like to express our gratitude to the 800 members who support us! We wish you a happy Thanksgiving!
To our 100+ CAC volunteers, thank you! Without your hard work, CAC would not have completed all the 10+ events throughout the year!
We would also like to express our gratitude to all the donors throughout the year! Thanks to your donation, CAC activities can include lucky draws, red envelopes, rice dumplings, moon cakes, karaoke, tours, dances for Christmas and New Year! This year, we even had a birthday party for all the members in their 90’s of age.
For 2024, many donors have already pledged to continue to donate to CAC! Ms. Liang Ku donated $3,000. As she handed the check to CAC, she also praised CAC’s recent efforts.
Thank you to all the board members who served in 2023, and the new directors in 2024. The new 2024 board members are listed here in ascending order of their Chinese names: Liming Wang, Kathy Chen, Anna Chu, Lily Liang, Wen Shu, Tina Chang, Jeffrey Sun, Mike Yang, Rose Fan, Michelle Chang, and Mary Sun, total of 11 people. They not only have the spirit of volunteerism, but also have the skills to serve CAC in their duties.
Finally, here are the upcoming events scheduled for CAC:
1. A singing and dancing party to celebrate Christmas & New Year will be held at Clubhouse 5 from 10 am to 1 pm on December 21st, 2023. The seats will be limited to 300, please watch out for next email for registration details!
2. Chinese New Year party will be held on February 6th, 2024, please stay tuned for details.
3. Year 2023 CAC membership will expire on December 31st. We hope that you will continue to support us and renew your membership for 2024. The 2024 membership application form is attached below. You may also obtain / return a membership form in the table tennis room or contact any board members.
Happy Thanksgiving!
華人聯誼會理事會 (सीएसी बोर्ड)