華聯仲夏繽紛銀髮夜 – 退休專題講座及聚餐 (Retirement Seminar & Dinner Party) – 8/14/23 4:30 PM

尊敬 की मूल बातें:

非常感謝在爾灣執業的的廖彬淳保險財務理財中心,在數月前和本會聯繫,希望能有機會舉辦一埸"華聯仲夏繽紛銀髮夜"內容除有輕歌曼舞外,還有針對退休帳戶,長期看護,及遺產規劃三項做專題講座及討論,還提供晚餐飯盒來回饋社區! 日期地點如下:

日期: 8月14日星期一 下午4點半進埸

活動時間: 下午5點至7點

地點:LWV 五號俱樂部大廳



地點:LWV一號俱樂部 Room 3

日期時間: 8月1日上午9時-下午2時 & 8月2日上午9時 – 12時


A retirement seminar & dinner party will be held and co-sponsored by CAC. Topics discussed by Benson Liao Insurance & Financial Center include 401K, Long-Term Care, & Family Trust.

DATE: Monday, August 14th, 2023 4:30PM Admissions

TIME: 5 PM to 7 PM

PLACE: LWV Clubhouse #5

This event is for CAC members only, and has limited seating capacity of 250. Those who signed up must provide their phone number so the sponsoring company will send a reminder text message before the event.  Each person can pick up 2 extra tickets for other CAC members, but must provide their name, manor #, and phone #.

CAC members can obtain the FREE tickets to this event at the following location:

PLACE: LWV Clubhouse 1 Dining Room 3

DATE / TIME: 8/1/23 9 AM – 2 PM & 8/2/23 9 AM – 12 Noon

Thanks to Benson Liao Insurance & Financial Center for sponsoring this event!

華人聯誼會理事會 (सीएसी बोर्ड)


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