尊敬 की मूल बातें:
"夏日音樂會"將於8月5日(週六)下午2: 30-4:00在本社區3號俱樂部劇院登埸!此次音樂會由世界著名的口琴音樂家李孝明與爾灣愛樂口琴團, 爾灣銀髮族口琴隊, 益壯口琴隊, Ukesfun烏克麗麗團等共同演出。我們華聯很榮幸受邀協辦, 並獲贈送免費入場券250張!本會現有會員750名, 所以只能用先來先得送完為止的方式公開公平的發送給會員。
會員每人一張, 可以代領, 但最多代領2人。須告知地址及姓名, 是免費的。
入場券沒有劃座位, 自由入座。樓下VIP為保留座。
贈送單位希望每位領到票的當天均能準時出席觀賞, 給演出者最大的鼓勵, 謝謝配合!
請點擊此鏈接瀏覽本次活動的新聞報導: https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/…
Please see the flyer and program below for the Summer Concert to be held on Saturday August 5th 2:30 to 4PM at LWV Performance Arts Center. CAC is honored to be co-sponsor of this event, and is granted 250 FREE tickets, on a first come first served basis!
To obtain the tickets, please come to CH1 Courtyard on 7/17/23 or 7/18/23 9:30AM – 2:30PM. Every CAC member can get one ticket, but can get up to 2 tickets on behalf of other CAC members, provided that you provide their names and manor numbers (house numbers).
After you obtain the tickets, please make every effort to attend the event, thank you for your cooperation!
華人聯誼會理事會 (सीएसी बोर्ड)
拉谷娜山莊華人聯誼會 || लगुना वुड्स विलेज का चीनी अमेरिकी क्लब