Shuffleboard Association

Promotes interest in shuffleboard for the enjoyment of its members and residents.

For information about the club, please call: John Rittenhour 216-905-7051 or Peggy McCaughey 949-870-8058

Since the Shuffleboard Court Building is temporarily “closed”, as part of the remodel of the Clubhouse 1 Complex, we’ve been keeping the social aspect of our club/ASSOCIATION together by playing Bocce – “as a group” – Monday and Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m., having a get-together monthly-lunch at a variety of restaurants, and a few other events like a picnic where we played Cornhole.  Call our contact number(s) for current info about upcoming “events”.

Club Information

Shuffleboard weekly Play Schedule

 (except christmas):

Monday    9:30 a.m. at Laguna Woods Indoor Court

Tuesday    9:30 a.m. at Laguna Woods Indoor Court

Thursday  5:30 p.m. at Laguna Woods Indoor Court

The Shuffleboard Board Officers: 

Janet East, President

Laura Daillak, Vice President

Peggy McCaughey, Secretary

Mike Daillak, Treasurer

2024 Calendar

     Board Meetings — September 6, October 4, November 1 and December 6, 2024

         2024 Village Games Shuffleboard:

                                                 — October 11, 9:30 a.m. Men’s and Women’s Singles

                                                  — October 18, 9:30 a.m. Mixed Doubles

                  (Register at Fitness Center at the Community Center by Sept 24.  The $10 per person, per sport, entitles you to a “T-shirt” and attendance at the Oct 31, 9 to 11 a. m. breakfast buffet at the Club House 5 Closing Ceremony.)

      Jackpot–November (tbd)

      Holiday Dinner — December (Saturday Dec 7, 2024) includes a brief Business Meeting/Election of officers and directors.

2025 Calendar

     Board Meetings — January 3, February 7, March 7, April, 4, May 2, June 6, 2025

Rest of the year to follow soon.

Board of Director Meetings are at 9:30 a.m usually on the first Friday of each month and open to all members.


क्लब इवेंट

07 / September / 2024

Our upcoming monthly-lunch get together (click-the-calendar-icon-for-full-details)

Hope you can join us on Sept 12th at Noon. Above is a link to Rodrigo’s Mexican Grill

क्लब संपर्क जानकारी

The purpose of the Laguna Woods Village Shuffleboard Association is to encourage interest and participation in  playing the game of shuffleboard and to promote good fellowship and enjoyment of the sport for the benefit of its members and residents of Laguna Woods Village.  

Anyone can play and no partner is required, and all necessary equipment is provided.

As a matter of safety please remember two things:  1) Never step on the courts, even if you are aware that the Poly Glide court-dressing has been removed.  2) You are not allowed to play wearing open-toed shoes or barefooted.

The shuffleboard courts are conveniently located in a separate building behind Clubhouse 1 next to the Gazebo in the patio behind the Main Building for Clubhouse 1.  The Shuffleboard Court Building is most easily accessible utilizing the parking lot at the rear of the Clubhouse 1 Complex.  (That back parking lot is accessed by the peripheral road available by turning right after entering the Main Entrance for Clubhouse 1).

Access to the Shuffleboard Court Building can be obtained only by a resident of Laguna Woods Village making a request that the club house door be opened, at the Office of Clubhouse 1, which is located in the front, on the left side of the Main Building for Clubhouse 1. 

The shuffleboard courts are available only when Clubhouse 1 is open.  They are available to all residents and their guests for play, fun and recreation.

Instructions on preparing the courts, utilizing the lighting, fans and heating are posted on the bulletin board in the Shuffleboard Court Building.  Please follow the posted instructions, thank you.  

For information about the club, please call: John Rittenhour 216-905-7051 or Peggy McCaughey 949-870-8058

क्लबों के संबंध में सूचना

क्लब/संगठन गोल्डन रेन फाउंडेशन ऑफ लगुना वुड्स (GRF) का हिस्सा या उससे संबद्ध नहीं हैं। GRF किसी भी क्लब/संगठन के किसी विशेष आचरण या गतिविधि का समर्थन, अनुमोदन या प्राधिकरण नहीं करता है। क्लब/संगठन अपने स्वयं के बयानों, कार्यों और/या कार्य करने में विफलताओं के साथ-साथ अपने सदस्यों और मेहमानों के लिए पूरी तरह से जिम्मेदार हैं। क्लब/संगठन सभी लागू GRF नियमों और सभी लागू संघीय, राज्य और स्थानीय कानूनों, विधियों, संहिताओं, अध्यादेशों और विनियमों के अनुपालन के लिए पूरी तरह से जिम्मेदार हैं। GRF, इसके प्रबंध एजेंट, उनके निदेशक, अधिकारी और कर्मचारी किसी क्लब/संगठन द्वारा उपरोक्त में से किसी का भी पालन करने में विफलता के लिए जिम्मेदारी स्वीकार नहीं करेंगे। अधिक जानकारी के लिए GRF मनोरंजन प्रभाग नीति दस्तावेज़ देखें।