1. President’s Welcome, Report & Updates – Gul Bhada
2. Secretary – Approval of Board & General Membership Minutes :
a. January: General Membership Meeting Minutes
b. February: Executive Board Meeting Minutes– No meeting.
3. Treasurer’s Report – Lynn Shahnazi
4. 1st. Vice President’s Report – Caryn Glasky
a. Club Membership
b. Molds
c. Beginners’ Class
5. 2nd. Vice President’s Report on Committees – Cheron Rhodes
a. Demos / Workshops
b. Display Windows
c. Purchasing / Inventory
d. Room
e. Scrapbook
f. Website
6. Head Supervisor’s Report – Laura Mistry
7. Old Business
8. New Business
9. Raffle Prizes
Supervisors’ Meeting
Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Thank you & regards!
Gul Bhada