Board Volunteers Needed

Everyone wants a successful and continuing club.  Am I right?  If so please volunteer to serve your club in any of the following ways:

 अध्यक्ष – liaison to GRF, set meeting agenda, conduct meetings, communicate with board members & general members, appoint committee chairs, a signatory on the bank account

  उपाध्यक्ष – fulfill President responsibilities as needed, co-chair Bonanza

 Treasurer 1 – maintain bank account/records/daily receipts & deposits, report to the board, and pay bills

Recording Secretary – record all meeting minutes and present to the board, maintain minutes notebook, send meeting notice email to board and members

 Head Supervisor (s) –  recruit & train supervisors, schedule supervisors, maintain calendar, report to Clubhouse 4 supervisor

 All members can serve a term to maintain our successful club.  Here is a list of committees to volunteer for:

  • Display Window
  • Membership
  • Molds
  • Publicity
  • वेबमास्टर
  • Purchasing/inventory
  • Room Maintenance
  • विशेष घटनाएं

 Please write your name and the position you’re accepting.  There can be multiple names for all positions because we’ll all be voting. 

 There’s no club without our participation!!!