The August/September Village Breeze is hot off the press. Inside this issue you will:
- Venture beyond the Village gates at nearby destinations that offer fresh air, fun and fascinating experiences.
- Learn about the importance of sleep and find out how to optimize this pillar of health.
- Explore online destinations where you can find help, inspiration and community.
- Gain a sneak peek into the new Orange County Museum of Art, a masterpiece in its own right.
- Get the latest news from your boards of directors and a behind-the-scenes glimpse at more Village departments.
- And much more!
Où trouver le Village Breeze
The Village Breeze is delivered to every manor via the United States Postal Service’s Every Door Direct program. However, if delivery misses its mark at your door, you can find copies available throughout the Village:
- Clubhouse 1 fitness
- Clubhouse 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 bureaux
- Community Center: Concierge desk, fitness center, Recreation office
- Bureau du centre équestre
- Bureau du centre de jardinage 2
- Boutique de golf pro, bureau par 3
- Clubhouse de tennis
- Bibliothèque du village
- Services aux résidents
For more Village news, click on the tag “The Village Breeze” below.