Third and Final Age Well Town Hall

A third and final Age Well town hall/informational meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m., Wednesday, May 4, at Clubhouse 1. 

On January 21 and March 18, the Transportation Division held the first two informational meetings to outline the details of a proposal for Age Well to operate the Village bus system and address resident concerns and answer questions. 

To read the Q&A document from the first January 21 meeting, click here. To read the Q&A document from the March 18 meeting, click here

Appel 949-597-4242 pour plus d'informations.

Easy Rider Single-Day Schedule Change

To better serve residents attending the third and final Age Well Town Hall on Wednesday, May 4, at 1 p.m. in Clubhouse 1, the Easy Rider bus system will modify drivers’ meal period to between 1 and 1:30 p.m. This adjustment accommodates residents attending the meeting and allows them to travel to Clubhouse 1 between noon and 1 p.m.

For more information, contact the Transportation Division at 949-597-4659.

Pour plus de nouvelles du village, cliquez sur le tag « Quoi de neuf dans le village » ci-dessous. 
