Please Do Not Relocate Organics Recycling Carts
CR&R has recently received multiple complaints regarding residents putting green waste carts in their cars to move them to different locations. Please do not move organic waste recycling carts from their intended locations. Carts will not be serviced in areas where they are not assigned. If you find a cart that has been moved, please email
Please Do Not Place Plastic Bags in Organics Recycling Carts
Compostable bags, paper bags and newspaper are acceptable.
Please Do Not Place Prunings in Organics Recycling Carts
Green waste is accepted in the organics carts. However, to ensure everyone can participate in the program and use the carts for accepted waste, please do not fill the organics carts with garden/lawn prunings.
Please call Resident Services at 949-597-4600 to schedule a Friday clippings pick-up.
How to Find Your Nearest Cart
For assistance locating your nearest organics cart, please click here to access an interactive map ou click here to access a printable map. If you have trash, recycling and organics recycling questions, concerns or requests, please email CR&R at or call 949-625-6735.
Pour plus de nouvelles du village, cliquez sur le tag « Quoi de neuf dans le village » ci-dessous.