Paddle Tennis Club

If you played tennis, racquetball, table tennis or Pickleball, you may well enjoy our sport. Come on down and check out  our friendly group. For those who would like to learn what paddle tennis is all about, go to We are playing on 7 new courts, 7 with lights, sharing with Pickleball, with seating for over 40 in our patio area.

We meet Tuesday, Thursday and 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month from 7:30am to noon. On a 5th Saturday, we share the courts with Pickleball.  Free lessons are offered  and Club paddles are available for use.  No experience required.

We are located inside Gate 12 off Moulton Pkwy, just below the putting greens and close to 19 Restaurant.

Paddle tennis is not just about fitness and fresh air, it is also about socializing. We have a BBQ or pizza luncheon every month on the 3st Saturday, along with friendly tournament round-robin games.

For those who would like to join our club, membership forms are available both online below and on courts. Membership is only $10 for the entire year, from July 1. Members will get reduced rate for monthly BBQ and tournaments. It’s all about having fun without pressure.

We are open to Laguna Woods Village residents only. Guests must be accompanied by residents.

Club News

21 / February / 2022

Paddle Tennis Club of Laguna Wood Village hosting Paddle Tennis Club of Costa Del Sol

Hello everyone. Thank you all for attending our friendly challenge between Laguna Woods Village and Casta Del Sol. It was a tremendous attendance and the…

04 / July / 2021

Tuesdays, Thursdays and every 1st and 3rd Saturday is Paddle tennis day. Every 5th Saturday we share with Pickleball. Have fun and enjoy our friendly club, Jeff

Hi Everyone,  Great time at the Barbecue Saturday 7-3-2021.  Thanks to all who attended, Cheryl for the food and Greg for cooking.  Thank you Joe, for…

Club Contact Information

Contact: Byron Hoyt Jr., President

Direct: 949-505-2625




Avis concernant les clubs

Les clubs/organisations ne font pas partie de la Golden Rain Foundation of Laguna Woods (GRF) ni ne lui sont affiliés. La GRF n'approuve ni n'autorise aucune conduite ou activité particulière d'un club/organisation. Les clubs/organisations sont seuls responsables de leurs propres déclarations, actions et/ou manquements, ainsi que de ceux de leurs membres et invités. Les clubs/organisations sont seuls responsables du respect de toutes les règles GRF applicables et de toutes les lois, statuts, codes, ordonnances et réglementations fédérales, étatiques et locales applicables. La GRF, son agent de gestion, ses directeurs, dirigeants et employés n'accepteront aucune responsabilité en cas de non-respect par un club/organisation de l'une des dispositions ci-dessus. Reportez-vous au document de politique de la division des loisirs de la GRF pour plus d'informations.