Gate 11 Club
To provide a forum for the exchange of information and the sharing of ideas toward the continued improvement of our community and to encourage resident involvement and social interaction.
Our bi-annual meetings this year:
1. Our Spring 2023 Meeting will be held Tuesday – April 4th. We have reserved Clubhouse 2 from 9:30 to 1pm. Sign in and registration starts at 9:30 with a meet and greet with our local Fire Station. Bring a snack or sack lunch and enjoy the presentation.
10-10:30: Meet your Firefighters (Photo Opportunities, Q&A, look at the engine)
10:30-11:15: Home Fire Safety Presentation, followed by –
Carol Moore, Laguna Woods Councilwoman
Mark Laws, President of Third Mutual
2. Fall Meeting scheduled for fall of 2023, date to follow. We are looking forward to having our Potluck Dinner.
Club Events
Bi-Annual Meeting
Unfortunately due to the spread of the COVID19 virus our spring meeting will be cancelled. We will try to reschedule if possible. For ongoing questions regarding landscape,…
Club News
OCTOBER 3 at CLUBHOUSE 2 (***site change)
GATE 11 Pot Luck Dinner, 4:30 – 7:30 pm Thursday, October 3rd @ Clubhouse 2. To all Gate 11 residents, please join us for our annual…
Club Contact Information
Eileen Lazar
Avis concernant les clubs
Les clubs/organisations ne font pas partie de la Golden Rain Foundation of Laguna Woods (GRF) ni ne lui sont affiliés. La GRF n'approuve ni n'autorise aucune conduite ou activité particulière d'un club/organisation. Les clubs/organisations sont seuls responsables de leurs propres déclarations, actions et/ou manquements, ainsi que de ceux de leurs membres et invités. Les clubs/organisations sont seuls responsables du respect de toutes les règles GRF applicables et de toutes les lois, statuts, codes, ordonnances et réglementations fédérales, étatiques et locales applicables. La GRF, son agent de gestion, ses directeurs, dirigeants et employés n'accepteront aucune responsabilité en cas de non-respect par un club/organisation de l'une des dispositions ci-dessus. Reportez-vous au document de politique de la division des loisirs de la GRF pour plus d'informations.