Archery Club, Laguna Woods
The mission and goal of the Laguna Woods Archery Club (hereinafter “LWAC”) are to offer the benefits of archery as recreation, sport, and camaraderie to all Laguna Woods residents in a relaxing, fun, and safe environment. The annual club membership fee pays for each club member’s insurance as required by the City/GRF, and most importantly, the fee does NOT sponsor any external institution. It goes directly into the LWAC’s insurance premium and range operation. Training, coaching, and archery equipment are provided to club members without cost.
Laguna Woods Archery Club is the first and largest archery club within Laguna Woods Village that received a Conditional Use Permit from the City of Laguna Woods to open and operate an indoor archery range in Village Club House #1. LWAC is not associated with any other archery club, as LWAC operates independently and governs by a different set of regulations in terms of its membership, activities, training, and range operating schedule. LWAC’s insurance policy restricts participation in any LWAC sponsored activity and/or range session to members only, and it does NOT cover any member who participates in non-LWAC sponsored activities.
For the latest club and range updates, please click on our “Documents” folder for additional information.
RANGE SCHEDULE for Members (close on holidays) Monday - Friday 1:00 - 3:00PM Saturday - Sunday 11:00 - 1:00PM Tuesday & Thursday 6:00 - 8:00PM (by appointment only)
The Club Officers for May 1, 2024 – April 30, 2025
- President: Anson Dong
- Range Director: David Ring
- Treasurer/Secretary: Joanne McCoy
Club Contact Information
Club Email :
Range Director:
Avis concernant les clubs
Les clubs/organisations ne font pas partie de la Golden Rain Foundation of Laguna Woods (GRF) ni ne lui sont affiliés. La GRF n'approuve ni n'autorise aucune conduite ou activité particulière d'un club/organisation. Les clubs/organisations sont seuls responsables de leurs propres déclarations, actions et/ou manquements, ainsi que de ceux de leurs membres et invités. Les clubs/organisations sont seuls responsables du respect de toutes les règles GRF applicables et de toutes les lois, statuts, codes, ordonnances et réglementations fédérales, étatiques et locales applicables. La GRF, son agent de gestion, ses directeurs, dirigeants et employés n'accepteront aucune responsabilité en cas de non-respect par un club/organisation de l'une des dispositions ci-dessus. Reportez-vous au document de politique de la division des loisirs de la GRF pour plus d'informations.