All Musicians Club
The All Musicians Club brings together musicians with various skill levels so they can reach their musical goals.
View the flyer for our upcoming event on September 4: Rhythm Rebels: End of Summer Dance Party.
Club Information
Founded by musicians, for musicians, and for the enjoyment of the village residents. Our mission is to bring musicians together. There are many talented people who live in Laguna Woods. This club helps bring together musicians with various skill levels so they can reach their musical goals. Our goal is to have quarterly meetings for jam sessions, party and dance events. And have a lot of fun doing it. In addition we have created a directory of musicians, their skill level, their instruments, and musical interests. This is all FREE to members.
Club Events
Rhythm Rebels
Clubhouse 5July 276 to 9 p.m., Doors open at 5:30 p.m.$10 Sponsored by the All Musicians Club and brought back by popular demand, join the Rhythm Rebels in…
May 30 Jam Social
Clubhouse 7May 30, 20246 – 9 p.m. Free, donations accepted at door Attention all Village musicians, vocalists, music and dance lovers, and their friends! Join the All…
Club Contact Information
Carmen Pacella
Avis concernant les clubs
Les clubs/organisations ne font pas partie de la Golden Rain Foundation of Laguna Woods (GRF) ni ne lui sont affiliés. La GRF n'approuve ni n'autorise aucune conduite ou activité particulière d'un club/organisation. Les clubs/organisations sont seuls responsables de leurs propres déclarations, actions et/ou manquements, ainsi que de ceux de leurs membres et invités. Les clubs/organisations sont seuls responsables du respect de toutes les règles GRF applicables et de toutes les lois, statuts, codes, ordonnances et réglementations fédérales, étatiques et locales applicables. La GRF, son agent de gestion, ses directeurs, dirigeants et employés n'accepteront aucune responsabilité en cas de non-respect par un club/organisation de l'une des dispositions ci-dessus. Reportez-vous au document de politique de la division des loisirs de la GRF pour plus d'informations.