華人聯誼會"慶聖誕迎新年"舞會 (CAC Holiday Party)


大家好! 首先報告:感恩佳節前夕,我們收到了蕭良傑大姐捐贈的$3000元,感恩節期間,又收到了華聯熱心會員以匿名方式捐贈了$2000元支票! 另外,華聯已獲得蔣棠夫婦,楊平飛會長等承諾的明年粽子,月餅及數筆捐款。 非常感謝! 感恩! 感動!

再者,聖誕佳節和2024元旦即將來臨,我們特別舉辦一個溫馨歡樂的舞會! 豐富大家的文化生活,謹定於2023年12月21日星期四舉辦一場「慶聖誕迎新年」舞會。 內容包括:國標交誼舞,其中穿插 排舞,迪士科,抓手操和兔子舞等。


1. 時間:12月21日星期四上午9點半進埸,10點正式開始,下午1點結束

2. 地點:五號俱樂部大廳

3. 報名費:會員$5元(2023及2024均可),非會員$20元。 支票抬頭請寫: CACLWV,也接受現金。

4. 憑券領取點心一盒。

5. 報名人數300名為限,即日起開始報名。 先到先得,售完為止。


1》乒乓球室 (Table Tennis Room)

吳淑蓉 (Susan Wu) 469-288-0533

湯玉金 (Donna Ludlum) 248-396-1743

2》書畫同源會 (Calligraphy & Painting Club)

左秋蓮 (Qiu-Lian Zuo) 858-699-3211

3 》喜樂堂 (Church)

李家秦(Jenny Cheng) 832-623-4117

4 》晨間運動及合唱團 (Morning Exercise & Choir Groups)

週釆真 (Jan Zhou) 949-262-9271

5 》二四太極班 週六早餐會 (Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday Taichi Class & Breakfast Club)

週世敏(Alma Yao) 203-613-1865

6 》CH2 排舞班 太極班 (CH2 Line Dancing & Taichi Classes)

余少珍(Anna Chu)949-441-9090

7 》跳舞課程 (Dancing Class)

董景雯(Jennifer Tung)714-553-5150

8 》CH 1太極氣功 及週六健行 (CH1 Taichi Qigong & Saturday Walking Clubs)

馬愛惠 (Grace Ma) 949-680-9586

李瑛(Lily Liang) 949-397-0862


Good news!  On the eve of Thanksgiving, CAC received a donation of $3,000 from Mrs. Liang Ku.  During Thanksgiving week, CAC received another anonymous donation of $2,000!  In addition, CAC has received commitments from Mr. and Mrs. Tom & Carol Chiang & Mr. Mike Yang to provide rice dumplings, mooncakes and several donations for next year. Thank you very much!!

As Christmas and New Year are approaching, CAC is organizing a dance party!  There will be shows and demonstrations of ballroom dancing, line dancing, disco etc.

The following are the registration details:

1. Date / Time: Admission starts at 9:30 am on Thursday, December 21st, program starts at 10:00 am, & ends at 1:00 pm.

2. Location: نادي 5.

3. Registration fee: $5 for 2023 or 2024 members$20 for non-members. Please make checks payable to: CACLWV, cash is also accepted.

4. Redeem admission ticket for a box of snacks.

5. The number of participants is limited to 300, registration starts today on a first come first served basis.

2024 membership registration ($15 per person) and party tickets are sold at the 8 locations listed above (in the Chinese section).  Please spread the word!

華人聯誼會理事會 (CAC Board)


拉谷娜山莊華人聯誼會 || Chinese American Club of Laguna Woods Village