From vision to reality
Your manor is your castle and no one can communicate your vision for it better than you. That’s why the Manor Alterations division serves as your resource to empower you to work directly with your contractor. If you are hiring a contractor to work on your manor, you are responsible for ensuring they follow community rules. For questions, visit Manor Alterations in the Community Center, call 949-597-4616 أو البريد الإلكتروني
مركز مجتمعي
24351 طريق إل تورو
لاجونا وودز، كاليفورنيا 92637
Processes and standards
Mutual consent
You can check your mutual consent application status and learn how the mutual consent process works by clicking the links below.
عمليات تفتيش إعادة البيع
Discover how resale inspections work, learn best practices to expedite the resale process and how your mutual inspection fees are used by clicking the links below.
Contractor overview
Contractors must abide by several guidelines in order to work in the Village. Learn more about the process of hiring a contractor, work hours, passes and parking, as well as compliance information below.
FAQs and documents
Find Manor Alterations frequently asked questions and access documents by clicking the links below.
Third Mutual frequently used documents
United Mutual frequently used documents
Contractor work hours
Your contractor may perform work only during the following designated times:
- QUIET WORK – Work that does not result in excessive noise (e.g., painting, carpet installation) is permitted Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- NOISY WORK – Work that results in construction-related noise (e.g., cutting tile, hammering, and the use of power tools) is permitted Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- NO WORK whatsoever is permitted on Sundays or on New Year’s Day (January 1),
Independence Day (July 4), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and
Christmas Day (December 25).
وثائق هامة
- 6 Tips for Hiring a Contractor
- 6 Tips To Expedite Resale Inspections
- Asbestos and Contractor Resources
- Contractor Information
- Contractor Violation Policy
- Hazardous Materials
- Manor Alterations Cheat Sheet
- Manor Alterations FAQ
- Manor Alterations Fee Schedule – Third
- Manor Alterations Fee Schedule – United
- وصف وتقديم طلب التطوع للمقيمين في Manor Alterations
- Mutual Consent Process Map
- Resale Inspection Map
- Third Alteration Document Package
- Third Alteration Sample Packet
- Third Low-Flow Toilet(s) And/or Water Heater (Like-For-Equivalent) Replacement Form
- United Alteration Document Package
- United Alteration Sample Packet
- Your Mutual Inspection Fees At Work
صندوق لاجونا وودز المتبادل
- Table of Contents for United Standards
- United Standard 1 General Requirements for Architectural Standards
- United Standard 10 Dishwasher
- United Standard 11 Doors; Exterior
- United Standard 13 Lifts and Lift Policy
- United Standard 14 Exhaust Fan/Vent Installations
- United Standard 15 Floor Coverings Exterior (Balconies and Patios)
- United Standard 16 Fences – Wrought Iron
- United Standard 17 Patio Gates and Courtyard Doors
- United Standard 18 Gutters and Downspouts
- United Standard 19 Modesty Paneling Balcony
- United Standard 20 Atrium Coverings
- United Standard 22 Patio Slabs, Walkways & Pavers
- United Standard 24 Skylight Installations
- United Standard 25 Tubular Skylight Installations
- United Standard 27 Soft Water
- United Standard 28 Storage Cabinets
- United Standard 29 Washer and Dryer Installations
- United Standard 30 Water Heater Relocation
- United Standard 31 Windows and Window Attachments
- United Standard 32 Windscreens Glass Panel (Revoked March 2007)
- United Standard 33 Planter Walls
- United Standard 34 Patio and Balcony Awnings
- United Standard 35 Solar Panels, One-Story Buildings and Buildings With Unshared Roof Space
- United Standard 36 Ramps
- United Standard 38 Hot Tubs (Exterior)
- United Standard 40 Roll-Up Exterior Shades (Sun Screens)
- United Standard 41 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
- United Standard 42 Solar Panels, Two-Story Buildings With Flat Roofs
- United Standard 43 Bathroom Splits
- United Standard 44 Fencing – Vinyl
- United Standard 6 Air Conditioning Units Heat Pumps
- United Standard 7 Satellite Dishes
- United Standard 8 Patio Block Walls
- Interior Inspection of Unoccupied Unit Policy
- Laguna Woods Village Tract Map
- Manor Alterations Fee Schedule – United
- United Alteration of Soffits and Suspended Ceilings Policy
- United Architectural Review Procedures
- United Closets and Interior Partition Walls Policy
- United Interior Flooring Policy
- United Land Use Alteration Policy
- United Like-For-Equivalent Alteration Policy
- United Resale Correction Policy
- United Temporary Container Policy
- United Unauthorized Alteration Fee
- Standard Plan 1_Patio & Atrium Covers_1 Plan & 1A Plan
- Standard Plan 10_ Skylight Addition, Window Addition_AB-04
- Standard Plan 100_Skylight Plan_Hermosa, Ventura, Mariposa, Encanto & La Princessa
- Standard Plan 104_Aluminum Balcony Cover_Casa Arriba_LH 02
- Standard Plan 105-1_Open Lattice Balcony Cover_Casa Arriba LH 02
- Standard Plan 105-2_Open Lattice Balcony Cover_Casa Arriba LH 02
- Standard Plan 106_ Open Lattice Patio Cover_Casa Arriba 143
- Standard Plan 107_Window Addition Bedroom_LH 02
- Standard Plan 108_Garage Window_Casa Arriba 143 All Manors
- Standard Plan 109_Aluminum Patio Cover_Mariposa LH-08_3 Bedroom Unit
- Standard Plan 11_Patio & Entry Covers_3 Plan
- Standard Plan 110_Aluminum Patio Cover_Mariposa LH-04-Encanto_2 Bedroom Unit
- Standard Plan 111_Aluminum Patio Cover_La Princesa Pl 41_All Manors
- Standard Plan 112_Aluminum Patio Cover_La Princesa Pl 41_ Rear
- Standard Plan 113_Solid Roof Patio Cover_La Princesa Pl 41
- Standard Plan 114_Open Lattice Patio Cover_La Princesa Pl 41 & 41R_Rear
- Standard Plan 115_ Garage Windows_La Princesa Plan 41_All Manors
- Standard Plan 116_Garage Sliding Aluminum Door_ La Princesa Plan 41_ All Manors
- Standard Plan 117_Open Lattice Patio Cover_ Las Flores Pl 42
- Standard Plan 12_Room Addition_3 Plan
- Standard Plan 120_ Garage Door & Window_Las Flores P-42, Malaga P-42, Via Fuente RP-42
- Standard Plan 121_Bath Windows_La Reina PL-43, Las Flores PL 42_All Manors
- Standard Plan 122_Skylight Additions-Kit chen, Bathroom & Hallway_42 Plan
- Standard Plan 123_Fireplace Addition_42 Plan
- Standard Plan 124_Glass Windscreen_Plans 41, 42,43 & 46
- Standard Plan 125_Wood Lattice-Solid Patio Cover_La Reina Plan 43
- Standard Plan 126-1_Patio Cover-Front and or Rear_La Reina 43, Andalusa P-43, Carrillo RP-43
- Standard Plan 126-2_Patio Cover-Front and or Rear_La Reina 43, Andalusa P-43, Carrillo RP-43
- Standard Plan 127_Open Lattice Patio Cover_La Reina Plan 43
- Standard Plan 128_Trellis Addition_La Reina Plan 43R
- Standard Plan 129_Window – Dining & Living Room_La Reina 43, Anduluz P-43 & Cabrillo_RP-43
- Standard Plan 13_Skylight, Window Addition_3 Plan
- Standard Plan 130_Garage Windows_La Reina 43, Anadaluz P-43 & Cabrillo RP-43
- Standard Plan 131_Sliding Glass Door_La Reina_Plan 43
- Standard Plan 132_Skylight in Bathrooms_La Reina Plan 43
- Standard Plan 133_Window & Skylight Plan_La Reina & Andaluz
- Standard Plan 134_Aluminum Patio Cover_El Doble Plan 46
- Standard Plan 135_Open Latice Patio Cover_El Doble Plan 46
- Standard Plan 136_Open Latice Rear Patio Cover Conventional Const Only_El Doble Plan 46
- Standard Plan 137_Additional Windows Bedroom and-or Bath _Plan 46
- Standard Plan 138_Kitchen Window Stud Wall Const Only_ El Doble Plan 46, Navarro P-46 & Casa Rosa RP-46
- Standard Plan 139_Garage Window where El Doble abuts La Reina_El Doble Plan 46
- Standard Plan 14_Atrium Patio Coveers_4 Plan
- Standard Plan 140_Dining Room Window Enlargement_El Doble Plan 46
- Standard Plan 141_Sliding Glass Door Dining Room_El Doble Plan 46
- Standard Plan 142_Sliding Glass Door – Bedroom_Navarro El Doble & Casa Rosa P-46
- Standard Plan 144_Skylight Plan
- Standard Plan 145_Skylight in Living Room & Bedroom_El Doble, Navarro, Casa Rosa & Villa Francesca P-46 & RP-46
- Standard Plan 146_Window in Master Bedroom, Skylight Addition in Bath & dressing Rooms_Navarro, casa Rosa & El Doble_RP–1
- Standard Plan 147_Family Room Addition_Plan 46
- Standard Plan 148_Aluminum Pattio Cover_Villa Terraza & Columbia_PL C-10 & C-10R_ A, B & C
- Standard Plan 149_Aluminum rear Patio Cover_Villa Terraza & Columbia_PL C-10 & C-10R
- Standard Plan 150_Open Latice Patio Cover_Villa Terraza & Columbia_PL C-10 & C-10R
- Standard Plan 151_Open Latice Patio Cover_Villa Terraza & Columbia_PL C-10 & C-10R
- Standard Plan 152_Latice Cover Entry Mastr Bedroom_C-10 & C-10R
- Standard Plan 153_Window Addition Bedroom No 2_C-10 & C-10 R
- Standard Plan 154_Window Addition Garage_C-10, C-11, C-12 & C-13 Plan
- Standard Plan 155_Window Addition Garage_C-10 Plan
- Standard Plan 156_Garage Vent_C-10 & C-10 R
- Standard Plan 157_Skylights_Villa Terraza_Plan C-10
- Standard Plan 158_Skylight & Window Addition_C-10
- Standard Plan 159_Glass Windscreen_C-10, C-11 C-12 & C-13
- Standard Plan 16_Skylight & Window Addition_ 4 Plan
- Standard Plan 160_Aluminum Patio Cover_C-11 & C-11R
- Standard Plan 161_Open Latice Patio Cover_Villa Reposa & Trinidad_C-11 & C-11R
- Standard Plan 162_Lattice Patio Cover_Villa Reposa C-11-C
- Standard Plan 165_Open Lattice Rear Patio Cover_Villa Reposa & Trinidad Pl C-11 & C-11R_A & B
- Standard Plan 166_Open Lattice Rear Patio Cover_Villa Reposa & Trinidad PL C-11 & C-11R_B & C
- Standard Plan 167_Living Room Window Addition_Villa Reposa
- Standard Plan 168_Bedroom Window_Villa Serena, Villa Reposa & Trinidad_Plan C-12 & C-11
- Standard Plan 169_Sklights_Villa Reposa C-11
- Standard Plan 17_12 bathroom Addition_4 Plan
- Standard Plan 170_Skylights_Villa Serena, San Marco, Villa Reposa & Trinidad_Plan C-11 & C-12
- Standard Plan 171_Door Between Garage & Front Patio_C-11 & C-11R
- Standard Plan 172_Aluminum Entry Cover_San Marco_(PL C-12 & C-12 R) C-12 -10
- Standard Plan 173_Wood Entry Cover_Villa Serena & San Marco_C-12 & C-12R
- Standard Plan 174_Aluminum Patio Cover_(PL C-12 & C-12R) A & C
- Standard Plan 175_Villa Serena & San Marco (PL C-12 & C-12R) A & C
- Standard Plan 176_Living Room Window_Villa Serena & San Marco (PL C-12 & C-12R)
- Standard Plan 177_Dining Room Window Addition_PL C-12 & C-12R
- Standard Plan 178_Garage Door Addition_Villa Serena & San Marco (PL C-12 & C-12R)
- Standard Plan 179_Living Room Skylight_San Marco, Villa Serena_C-12-C
- Standard Plan 18_Patio Cover Built-Up_5 plan
- Standard Plan 180_Garage Door_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (C-13 & C-13R)
- Standard Plan 181_Aluminum Entry Cover_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (Plan C-13 & C-13R)
- Standard Plan 182_Aluminum Entry cover_Villa Parisa & Casa (C-12 & C13R)
- Standard Plan 183_Open Latice Entry Cover_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (PL C-13 & C-13R)
- Standard Plan 184_Aluminum Patio Cover – Side_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (PL C-13 & C-13R) A&B
- Standard Plan 185_Aluminum Patio Cover-Rear_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (PL C-13 & C-13R)
- Standard Plan 186_Open Lattice Patio Cover-Rear_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (PL C-13 & C-13R)
- Standard Plan 186_Open Lattice Patio Cover-Rear_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (PL C-13 & C-13R) (1)
- Standard Plan 186_Open Lattice Patio Cover-Rear_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (PL C-13 & C-13R) (2)
- Standard Plan 189_Dining Room Window & Service Area Skylight_Villa Paraisa C-13
- Standard Plan 19_Patio Cover Built-Up_5 Plan
- Standard Plan 190_Window Over Entry Door_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande C-13C
- Standard Plan 191_Skylight Plan_Villa Paraisa C-13
- Standard Plan 194_Bedroom & Bathroom Windows_Malaga, Villa Fuente_ P-42 & RP-42
- Standard Plan 195_Dining & Bathroom Skylights_Villa Fuente, Malaga & Casa Mario P-42 & RP-42
- Standard Plan 196_Skylight Plan_Villa Fuente & Malaga
- Standard Plan 197-1_Open Lattice Patio Cover – Front_Andaluz P-43 & A, B & C
- Standard Plan 197-2_Open Lattice Patio Cover – Front_Andaluz P-43 & A, B & C
- Standard Plan 198_Rear Aluminum Patio Cover_Andaluz P-43 & P-43R A, B & C_Cabrillo RP-43 A & B
- Standard Plan 199_Open Lattice Patio Cover (Rear)_P-43, P-43R & P-XX
- Standard Plan 2_Atrium Enclosure_AB-04
- Standard Plan 20_Patio Cover Alum or Lattice_5 Plan
- Standard Plan 200_Open Lattice Patio Cover Between House & Garage_P-43 A, B & C
- Standard Plan 201_Window Addition @ Bedroom_Andaluz & Cabrillo_P-43
- Standard Plan 202_Living Room Window Addition_Cabrillo & Andaluz_RP-43 & P-43
- Standard Plan 203_Bathroom Windows End Units Only_Andaluz P-43 A, B & C, Malaga & Cabrillo RP-43 A&B RP-42
- Standard Plan 204_Skylights – Bathroom, Living Room, Dining Room & #2 Bedroom_Andaluz & El Prado P-43
- Standard Plan 205_Skylight in Bathrooms_Andaluz, Cabrillo & El Prado P-43 & RP-43
- Standard Plan 206_Kitchen Skylight_Andaluz P-43
- Standard Plan 207_Master Bath Skylight_Andaluz P-43
- Standard Plan 208_Wood Latice Entry Cover_Casa Rosa RP-46 & RP 43, El Doble P-4
- Standard Plan 209_Aluminum Patio Cover (Rear)_NavarroP-46 & P-46R A,B & C, Casa Rosa RP-46 A & B
- Standard Plan 21_Upper Deck Roof_5 Plan
- Standard Plan 210_Open Lattice Patio Cover_Navarro P-46 & P-46R A, B & C
- Standard Plan 211_Bath 2 Living Room Window End Units Only_Navarro P-46, Casa Rosa RP-46
- Standard Plan 212-1_Family Room Addition_P-46 Plan & 46R Plan
- Standard Plan 213_Den Addition Plan with Skylights in Garage & Kitchen_46-A & 46AR
- Standard Plan 214_Aluminum Balconey Cover_Sierra LH-21 A, B & C
- Standard Plan 215_Aluminum Eyebrow Additions_Sierra LH-21
- Standard Plan 216_Bathroom Skylights_LH-21 Sierra & Villa Nueva
- Standard Plan 217_Bath & Kitchen Skylight_LH-21
- Standard Plan 218_Aluminum Balconey Cover_Aragon LH-21 A, B & C
- Standard Plan 219_Skylight & Window Addition_C-10
- Standard Plan 22_Room Addition_5 Plan_001
- Standard Plan 22_Room Addition_5 Plan_002
- Standard Plan 220_Wing Wall Addition_Aragon LH-21 A & B
- Standard Plan 221_Eyebrow Cover Catalina – La Quinta LH-06 A, B & C
- Standard Plan 222_Garage Window Casa Milano
- Standard Plan 223_Window Addition_Catalina & Casa Milano LH-06
- Standard Plan 224_Villa Lugano, Catalina, La Quinta & Casa Milano LH-06 & LHX-06 A, B & C
- Standard Plan 225-1_Wood Lattice Patio Cover_Casa Palma RC-10, Casa Siena RC-11, Casa Lorenzo RC-12 & Casa Monaco RC-13
- Standard Plan 225-2_Wood Lattice Patio Cover_Casa Palma RC-10, Casa Siena RC-11, Casa Lorenzo RC-12 & Casa Monaco RC-13
- Standard Plan 226-1_Built-Up Roof Patio Cover_Casa Palma RC-10, Casa Siena RC-11, Casa Lorenzo RC-12 & Casa Monaco RC-13
- Standard Plan 226-2_Built-Up Roof Patio Cover_Casa Palma RC-10, Casa Siena RC-11, Casa Lorenzo RC-12 & Casa Monaco RC-13
- Standard Plan 227_Skylight & Window Plan_Casa Palma
- Standard Plan 228_Side Patio Cover
- Standard Plan 229_Skylight & Window Plan_Casa Siena
- Standard Plan 23_Window Addition_5 Plan
- Standard Plan 230_Skylight & Window Plan_Casa Lorenzo
- Standard Plan 231_Skylight & Window Plan_Casa Monaco
- Standard Plan 232-1_Atrium Enclosure_1CA & 10B Plans
- Standard Plan 232-2_Atrium Enclosure_1CA & 10B Plans
- Standard Plan 24_Aluminum Patio Cover_25 Plan
- Standard Plan 25_Patio Cover Solid Wood_JJ-04
- Standard Plan 250_Typical Solid Patio Cover
- Standard Plan 251_Typical Lattice Patio Cover
- Standard Plan 255_Typical Skylight Plan_Flat Roof
- Standard Plan 256_Typical Skylight Plan_Sloped Roof
- Standard Plan 26_Patio Cover Latice_JJ-04
- Standard Plan 260_Typical Aluminum Patio Cover_Single Story Building
- Standard Plan 265_Patio Cover_Solid Wood-Built Up Rock_P-43 & P-43R
- Standard Plan 268_Room Addition Between Manor & Garage_Andaluz 43R
- Standard Plan 27_Skylight & Window Addition_JJ-04
- Standard Plan 28_Patio Cover Alum_6 Plan
- Standard Plan 29_Cadiz Skylight Plan_6 Plan
- Standard Plan 293_Glass Windscreen_Univeersal Plan
- Standard Plan 299-1_Atrium Enclosure_9 Plan & FG-04
- Standard Plan 299-2_Atrium Enclosure_9 Plan & FG-04
- Standard Plan 299-3_Atrium Enclosure_9 Plan & FG-04
- Standard Plan 3_Bathroom Remodel_1 Plan, AB-04 & 7 Plan
- Standard Plan 30_Patio Cover Solid Lattice_7 Plan & 0003
- Standard Plan 300
- Standard Plan 31_Bathroom, Living Room & Bedrooms_7 Plan & 0003
- Standard Plan 32_Skylight Additions Kitchen & Bathroom_7 Plan, 0003 & RO-03
- Standard Plan 33_Balcony Cover Solid or Alum_Majorca & Casablanca 8Plan
- Standard Plan 34_Glass Panel Windscreen_8 Plan
- Standard Plan 34_Windows and Window Attachments
- Standard Plan 35_Building Eyebrow_8 Plan, II-06, KK-08 & 22-6 Plan
- Standard Plan 36_Skylight & Window Additions Kitchen & Bathrooms_8 Plan
- Standard Plan 37_Skylight Addition_9 Plan & FG-04 Plan
- Standard Plan 38_Skylight Addition Bathroom_9 & 10a Plan
- Standard Plan 39_Bathroom Addition_9 & 10 Plan
- Standard Plan 4_Breakfast Room Addition_1 Plan
- Standard Plan 40_Window Plan Bedroom & Living Room_9 Plan
- Standard Plan 41_Patio-Atrium Cover Lattice-Solid_9 & FG-04 Plan
- Standard Plan 42_Patio-Atrium Covers_9, 10 & FG-04 Plan
- Standard Plan 43_Window Addition, Living Room, Bedroom & Kitchen_FG-04 Plan
- Standard Plan 44_Skylights -bathroom, hallway & Bedroom_FG-04 Plan
- Standard Plan 47_Bathroom Remodel_10 Plan
- Standard Plan 48_Skylight Kitchen_9, 10a Plan
- Standard Plan 49_Window or Door- Bedroom 1 to Patio_10A & 10B Plan
- Standard Plan 5_Skylight Addition & Window Addition_1 Plan & 1a Plan
- Standard Plan 52_Atrium Cover Lattice_10 Plan
- Standard Plan 53_Patio Cover Lattice_10 Plan
- Standard Plan 54_Balcony Covers_Castilla 21-22-8, HH-08, Casa Linda 22-26-6, II-06
- Standard Plan 56_Window Additions_HH-08 La Brisa, Castilla
- Standard Plan 57_Slylight in Kitchen_Castilla HH-08 & Plan 22
- Standard Plan 59_Wood Latice_Casa Linda, Casa Vista & Casa Del Mar II-06
- Standard Plan 6_Atrium Entry & Patio Covers_AB-04
- Standard Plan 61_Addition Window Bedroom_22-22-6 & II-06 Plan
- Standard Plan 61_skylight Additions Kitchen-Bath_K-08 II-06 Plan
- Standard Plan 63_001_Glass Windscreen_HH-08, II-06 & KK-08 Plan
- Standard Plan 63_002_Balcony Cover Alum, Eyebrow Cover Alum_HH-08, II-06 & KK-08 Plan
- Standard Plan 63_Glass Windscreen_HH-08, II-06 & KK-08 Plan
- Standard Plan 66_New Slider Window in Bedroom_22-22-08 & & KK-08 Plan
- Standard Plan 67_Patio Cover_PP-08 Plan
- Standard Plan 68_Patio Cover_PP-08, PS-08 & PQ-12 Plan
- Standard Plan 69_Patio Cover_PP-08 & PQ-12 Plan
- Standard Plan 7_Breakfast Room Addition_AB-04
- Standard Plan 70_Patio Cover_PS-08, PS-08 & PQ-12 Plan
- Standard Plan 71_Canopy Addition_PS-08 & PQ-12 Plan
- Standard Plan 72_Sun Shade_PQ-12 Plan
- Standard Plan 73_Window Addition_PS-08 & PQ-12 Plan
- Standard Plan 74_Additional Window Bedroom 2_PP-08 Plan
- Standard Plan 75_Window Addition Bedroom_PP-08 Plan
- Standard Plan 78_Patio Cover_SA, SB-04 & SA, SB-06 Plan
- Standard Plan 79_Patio Cover_SA, SB-04 & SA, SB-06
- Standard Plan 79_Patio Cover_SA, SB-04 & SA, SB-06 Plan
- Standard Plan 8_Room Addition_AB-04
- Standard Plan 81_Balcony Cover_SA, SB-04 & SA, SB-06 Plan
- Standard Plan 82_Den & Bath Windows_SA,SB-04 & SA, SB-06 Plan
- Standard Plan 84_Window Addition Bath 2_Garden Villa Casa Dorado
- Standard Plan 85_Living Room Window Addition_Garden Villa Casa Dorado & El Mirador
- Standard Plan 87_Bath to Breakfast Nook Conversion_Garden Villa Casa Dorado
- Standard Plan 87_Convert Bath to Breakfast Nook_ Garden Villa TB-24_SC-22
- Standard Plan 88_Glass Panel Windscreen_LH-02
- Standard Plan 88_Glass Panel Windscreen_LH-06 LHX-06
- Standard Plan 88_Glass Panel Windscreen_LH-21
- Standard Plan 88_Glass Panel Windscreen_RC-10 RC-11 RC-12 & RC-13
- Standard Plan 88_Glass Panel Windscreen_TB-24 SC-22
- Standard Plan 89_Skylight in Baths & Kitchen_TB-24
- Standard Plan 9_Skylight Addition & Window Addition_AB-04
- Standard Plan 90_3rd Floor BalconyTile Cover_TB-24
- Standard Plan 91_3rd Floor Balcony Canvas Cover_TB-24
- Standard Plan 92_Balcony Cover_Garden villa TB-24, Casa Dorado_Third Floor Units
- Standard Plan 94_Patio Cover_PA-04, PA04A
- Standard Plan 95_Front Entrance Canopy_Casa Bonita PA-04 Units C & D @ Bed Unit
- Standard Plan 96_Skylights Kitchen, Dining Room & Bath_La CAsita PA-04 Casa Bonita PA-04
- Standard Plan 97_Patio Cover_Casa Bonita PA-04 Units C & D
- Standard Plan 98_Aluminum Patio Cover_Hermosa SS-04_3 Bedroom Unit
- Standard Plan 99_Bedroom 2 Window_Hermosa & Mariposa
ثالث شركة لاجونا هيلز المتبادلة
- Third Standard 1 General Requirements
- Third Standard 10 Exterior Doors
- Third Standard 11 Exclusive Use Common Area Floor Coverings
- Third Standard 11A Interior Hard-Surface Flooring
- Third Standard 12 Exterior Wall Attachments
- Third Standard 13 Fences, Wrought Iron
- Third Standard 14 Fireplace Installations
- Third Standard 16 Garage Doors, Sectional or One Piece
- Third Standard 17 Gates
- Third Standard 18 Gutters and Downspouts
- Third Standard 19 Balcony Modesty Paneling
- Third Standard 21 Patio Slabs, Walkways & Pavers
- Third Standard 22 Patio and Balcony Coverings
- Third Standard 26 Skylight Installations
- Third Standard 27 Tubular Skylight Installations
- Third Standard 28 Soft Water Units
- Third Standard 30 Storage Cabinets
- Third Standard 30A Storage Cabinets
- Third Standard 31 Washer and Dryer Installations
- Third Standard 34 Windows and Window Attachments
- Third Standard 4 Air Conditioning Units/Heat Pumps
- Third Standard 40 Roll Up Exterior Shades (Sun Screens)
- Third Standard 41 Solar Panels, One-Story Buildings
- Third Standard 41A Solar Panels, Two-Story Buildings
- Third Standard 42 Ramps
- Third Standard 43 Hot Tubs
- Third Standard 44 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
- Third Standard 45 Vinyl Fencing
- Third Standard 46 Master Bedroom Extensions (Casa Grande Villa Paraisa)
- Third Standard 47 Bathroom Splits
- Third Standard 5A – Satellite Dishes on 1 Story Buildings
- Third Standard 5B – Satellite Dishes on 2 Story Buildings
- Third Standard 5C – Satellite Dishes on 3 Story Buildings
- Third Standard 6 Concrete Block Walls
- Third Standard 9 Exhaust Fan Installations
- Laguna Woods Village Tract Map
- Manor Alterations Fee Schedule – Third
- Prohibition of Exterior Water Heater Relocations
- Third Alteration of Attics, Soffits and Suspended Ceilings Policy
- Third Alternate Heat Source Policy for Alterations – Adopted August 18, 2020
- Third Architectural Review Procedures
- Third Closets and Interior Partition Walls Policy
- Third Common Area Use Policy – Adopted October 16, 2018
- Third Expiration for Alteration Permits Policy
- Third Fruit Tree and Vegetables Policy – Adopted December 19, 2023
- Third Hard Surface Flooring Policy – Adopted December 21, 2010
- Third Interior Hard-Surface Flooring Complaint Rules – Adopted August 20, 2013
- Third Low Flow Toilet Statement of Compliance
- Third Mandatory Water Heater Replacement Policy – Adopted March 23, 2018
- Third Paint Cycle 15 Years
- Third Prohibition on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADU) Policy – Adopted March 19, 2024
- Third Resale Correction Policy
- Third Temporary Containers Policy – Adopted July 17, 2018
- Third Unauthorized Alteration Fee
- Standard Plan 1_Patio & Atrium Covers_1 Plan & 1A Plan
- Standard Plan 10_ Skylight Addition, Window Addition_AB-04
- Standard Plan 100_Skylight Plan_Hermosa, Ventura, Mariposa, Encanto & La Princessa
- Standard Plan 104_Aluminum Balcony Cover_Casa Arriba_LH 02
- Standard Plan 105-1_Open Lattice Balcony Cover_Casa Arriba LH 02
- Standard Plan 105-2_Open Lattice Balcony Cover_Casa Arriba LH 02
- Standard Plan 106_ Open Lattice Patio Cover_Casa Arriba 143
- Standard Plan 107_Window Addition Bedroom_LH 02
- Standard Plan 108_Garage Window_Casa Arriba 143 All Manors
- Standard Plan 109_Aluminum Patio Cover_Mariposa LH-08_3 Bedroom Unit
- Standard Plan 11_Patio & Entry Covers_3 Plan
- Standard Plan 110_Aluminum Patio Cover_Mariposa LH-04-Encanto_2 Bedroom Unit
- Standard Plan 111_Aluminum Patio Cover_La Princesa Pl 41_All Manors
- Standard Plan 112_Aluminum Patio Cover_La Princesa Pl 41_ Rear
- Standard Plan 113_Solid Roof Patio Cover_La Princesa Pl 41
- Standard Plan 114_Open Lattice Patio Cover_La Princesa Pl 41 & 41R_Rear
- Standard Plan 115_ Garage Windows_La Princesa Plan 41_All Manors
- Standard Plan 116_Garage Sliding Aluminum Door_ La Princesa Plan 41_ All Manors
- Standard Plan 117_Open Lattice Patio Cover_ Las Flores Pl 42
- Standard Plan 12_Room Addition_3 Plan
- Standard Plan 120_ Garage Door & Window_Las Flores P-42, Malaga P-42, Via Fuente RP-42
- Standard Plan 121_Bath Windows_La Reina PL-43, Las Flores PL 42_All Manors
- Standard Plan 122_Skylight Additions-Kit chen, Bathroom & Hallway_42 Plan
- Standard Plan 123_Fireplace Addition_42 Plan
- Standard Plan 124_Glass Windscreen_Plans 41, 42,43 & 46
- Standard Plan 125_Wood Lattice-Solid Patio Cover_La Reina Plan 43
- Standard Plan 126-1_Patio Cover-Front and or Rear_La Reina 43, Andalusa P-43, Carrillo RP-43
- Standard Plan 126-2_Patio Cover-Front and or Rear_La Reina 43, Andalusa P-43, Carrillo RP-43
- Standard Plan 127_Open Lattice Patio Cover_La Reina Plan 43
- Standard Plan 128_Trellis Addition_La Reina Plan 43R
- Standard Plan 129_Window – Dining & Living Room_La Reina 43, Anduluz P-43 & Cabrillo_RP-43
- Standard Plan 13_Skylight, Window Addition_3 Plan
- Standard Plan 130_Garage Windows_La Reina 43, Anadaluz P-43 & Cabrillo RP-43
- Standard Plan 131_Sliding Glass Door_La Reina_Plan 43
- Standard Plan 132_Skylight in Bathrooms_La Reina Plan 43
- Standard Plan 133_Window & Skylight Plan_La Reina & Andaluz
- Standard Plan 134_Aluminum Patio Cover_El Doble Plan 46
- Standard Plan 135_Open Latice Patio Cover_El Doble Plan 46
- Standard Plan 136_Open Latice Rear Patio Cover Conventional Const Only_El Doble Plan 46
- Standard Plan 137_Additional Windows Bedroom and-or Bath _Plan 46
- Standard Plan 138_Kitchen Window Stud Wall Const Only_ El Doble Plan 46, Navarro P-46 & Casa Rosa RP-46
- Standard Plan 139_Garage Window where El Doble abuts La Reina_El Doble Plan 46
- Standard Plan 14_Atrium Patio Coveers_4 Plan
- Standard Plan 140_Dining Room Window Enlargement_El Doble Plan 46
- Standard Plan 141_Sliding Glass Door Dining Room_El Doble Plan 46
- Standard Plan 142_Sliding Glass Door – Bedroom_Navarro El Doble & Casa Rosa P-46
- Standard Plan 144_Skylight Plan
- Standard Plan 145_Skylight in Living Room & Bedroom_El Doble, Navarro, Casa Rosa & Villa Francesca P-46 & RP-46
- Standard Plan 146_Window in Master Bedroom, Skylight Addition in Bath & dressing Rooms_Navarro, casa Rosa & El Doble_RP–1
- Standard Plan 147_Family Room Addition_Plan 46
- Standard Plan 148_Aluminum Pattio Cover_Villa Terraza & Columbia_PL C-10 & C-10R_ A, B & C
- Standard Plan 149_Aluminum rear Patio Cover_Villa Terraza & Columbia_PL C-10 & C-10R
- Standard Plan 150_Open Latice Patio Cover_Villa Terraza & Columbia_PL C-10 & C-10R
- Standard Plan 151_Open Latice Patio Cover_Villa Terraza & Columbia_PL C-10 & C-10R
- Standard Plan 152_Latice Cover Entry Mastr Bedroom_C-10 & C-10R
- Standard Plan 153_Window Addition Bedroom No 2_C-10 & C-10 R
- Standard Plan 154_Window Addition Garage_C-10, C-11, C-12 & C-13 Plan
- Standard Plan 155_Window Addition Garage_C-10 Plan
- Standard Plan 156_Garage Vent_C-10 & C-10 R
- Standard Plan 157_Skylights_Villa Terraza_Plan C-10
- Standard Plan 158_Skylight & Window Addition_C-10
- Standard Plan 159_Glass Windscreen_C-10, C-11 C-12 & C-13
- Standard Plan 16_Skylight & Window Addition_ 4 Plan
- Standard Plan 160_Aluminum Patio Cover_C-11 & C-11R
- Standard Plan 161_Open Latice Patio Cover_Villa Reposa & Trinidad_C-11 & C-11R
- Standard Plan 162_Lattice Patio Cover_Villa Reposa C-11-C
- Standard Plan 165_Open Lattice Rear Patio Cover_Villa Reposa & Trinidad Pl C-11 & C-11R_A & B
- Standard Plan 166_Open Lattice Rear Patio Cover_Villa Reposa & Trinidad PL C-11 & C-11R_B & C
- Standard Plan 167_Living Room Window Addition_Villa Reposa
- Standard Plan 168_Bedroom Window_Villa Serena, Villa Reposa & Trinidad_Plan C-12 & C-11
- Standard Plan 169_Sklights_Villa Reposa C-11
- Standard Plan 17_12 bathroom Addition_4 Plan
- Standard Plan 170_Skylights_Villa Serena, San Marco, Villa Reposa & Trinidad_Plan C-11 & C-12
- Standard Plan 171_Door Between Garage & Front Patio_C-11 & C-11R
- Standard Plan 172_Aluminum Entry Cover_San Marco_(PL C-12 & C-12 R) C-12 -10
- Standard Plan 173_Wood Entry Cover_Villa Serena & San Marco_C-12 & C-12R
- Standard Plan 174_Aluminum Patio Cover_(PL C-12 & C-12R) A & C
- Standard Plan 175_Villa Serena & San Marco (PL C-12 & C-12R) A & C
- Standard Plan 176_Living Room Window_Villa Serena & San Marco (PL C-12 & C-12R)
- Standard Plan 177_Dining Room Window Addition_PL C-12 & C-12R
- Standard Plan 178_Garage Door Addition_Villa Serena & San Marco (PL C-12 & C-12R)
- Standard Plan 179_Living Room Skylight_San Marco, Villa Serena_C-12-C
- Standard Plan 18_Patio Cover Built-Up_5 plan
- Standard Plan 180_Garage Door_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (C-13 & C-13R)
- Standard Plan 181_Aluminum Entry Cover_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (Plan C-13 & C-13R)
- Standard Plan 182_Aluminum Entry cover_Villa Parisa & Casa (C-12 & C13R)
- Standard Plan 183_Open Latice Entry Cover_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (PL C-13 & C-13R)
- Standard Plan 184_Aluminum Patio Cover – Side_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (PL C-13 & C-13R) A&B
- Standard Plan 185_Aluminum Patio Cover-Rear_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (PL C-13 & C-13R)
- Standard Plan 186_Open Lattice Patio Cover-Rear_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (PL C-13 & C-13R)
- Standard Plan 186_Open Lattice Patio Cover-Rear_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (PL C-13 & C-13R) (1)
- Standard Plan 186_Open Lattice Patio Cover-Rear_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande (PL C-13 & C-13R) (2)
- Standard Plan 189_Dining Room Window & Service Area Skylight_Villa Paraisa C-13
- Standard Plan 19_Patio Cover Built-Up_5 Plan
- Standard Plan 190_Window Over Entry Door_Villa Parisa & Casa Grande C-13C
- Standard Plan 191_Skylight Plan_Villa Paraisa C-13
- Standard Plan 194_Bedroom & Bathroom Windows_Malaga, Villa Fuente_ P-42 & RP-42
- Standard Plan 195_Dining & Bathroom Skylights_Villa Fuente, Malaga & Casa Mario P-42 & RP-42
- Standard Plan 196_Skylight Plan_Villa Fuente & Malaga
- Standard Plan 197-1_Open Lattice Patio Cover – Front_Andaluz P-43 & A, B & C
- Standard Plan 197-2_Open Lattice Patio Cover – Front_Andaluz P-43 & A, B & C
- Standard Plan 198_Rear Aluminum Patio Cover_Andaluz P-43 & P-43R A, B & C_Cabrillo RP-43 A & B
- Standard Plan 199_Open Lattice Patio Cover (Rear)_P-43, P-43R & P-XX
- Standard Plan 2_Atrium Enclosure_AB-04
- Standard Plan 20_Patio Cover Alum or Lattice_5 Plan
- Standard Plan 200_Open Lattice Patio Cover Between House & Garage_P-43 A, B & C
- Standard Plan 201_Window Addition @ Bedroom_Andaluz & Cabrillo_P-43
- Standard Plan 202_Living Room Window Addition_Cabrillo & Andaluz_RP-43 & P-43
- Standard Plan 203_Bathroom Windows End Units Only_Andaluz P-43 A, B & C, Malaga & Cabrillo RP-43 A&B RP-42
- Standard Plan 204_Skylights – Bathroom, Living Room, Dining Room & #2 Bedroom_Andaluz & El Prado P-43
- Standard Plan 205_Skylight in Bathrooms_Andaluz, Cabrillo & El Prado P-43 & RP-43
- Standard Plan 206_Kitchen Skylight_Andaluz P-43
- Standard Plan 207_Master Bath Skylight_Andaluz P-43
- Standard Plan 208_Wood Latice Entry Cover_Casa Rosa RP-46 & RP 43, El Doble P-4
- Standard Plan 209_Aluminum Patio Cover (Rear)_NavarroP-46 & P-46R A,B & C, Casa Rosa RP-46 A & B
- Standard Plan 21_Upper Deck Roof_5 Plan
- Standard Plan 210_Open Lattice Patio Cover_Navarro P-46 & P-46R A, B & C
- Standard Plan 211_Bath 2 Living Room Window End Units Only_Navarro P-46, Casa Rosa RP-46
- Standard Plan 212-1_Family Room Addition_P-46 Plan & 46R Plan
- Standard Plan 213_Den Addition Plan with Skylights in Garage & Kitchen_46-A & 46AR
- Standard Plan 214_Aluminum Balconey Cover_Sierra LH-21 A, B & C
- Standard Plan 215_Aluminum Eyebrow Additions_Sierra LH-21
- Standard Plan 216_Bathroom Skylights_LH-21 Sierra & Villa Nueva
- Standard Plan 217_Bath & Kitchen Skylight_LH-21
- Standard Plan 218_Aluminum Balconey Cover_Aragon LH-21 A, B & C
- Standard Plan 219_Skylight & Window Addition_C-10
- Standard Plan 22_Room Addition_5 Plan_001
- Standard Plan 22_Room Addition_5 Plan_002
- Standard Plan 220_Wing Wall Addition_Aragon LH-21 A & B
- Standard Plan 221_Eyebrow Cover Catalina – La Quinta LH-06 A, B & C
- Standard Plan 222_Garage Window Casa Milano
- Standard Plan 223_Window Addition_Catalina & Casa Milano LH-06
- Standard Plan 224_Villa Lugano, Catalina, La Quinta & Casa Milano LH-06 & LHX-06 A, B & C
- Standard Plan 225-1_Wood Lattice Patio Cover_Casa Palma RC-10, Casa Siena RC-11, Casa Lorenzo RC-12 & Casa Monaco RC-13
- Standard Plan 225-2_Wood Lattice Patio Cover_Casa Palma RC-10, Casa Siena RC-11, Casa Lorenzo RC-12 & Casa Monaco RC-13
- Standard Plan 226-1_Built-Up Roof Patio Cover_Casa Palma RC-10, Casa Siena RC-11, Casa Lorenzo RC-12 & Casa Monaco RC-13
- Standard Plan 226-2_Built-Up Roof Patio Cover_Casa Palma RC-10, Casa Siena RC-11, Casa Lorenzo RC-12 & Casa Monaco RC-13
- Standard Plan 227_Skylight & Window Plan_Casa Palma
- Standard Plan 228_Side Patio Cover
- Standard Plan 229_Skylight & Window Plan_Casa Siena
- Standard Plan 23_Window Addition_5 Plan
- Standard Plan 230_Skylight & Window Plan_Casa Lorenzo
- Standard Plan 231_Skylight & Window Plan_Casa Monaco
- Standard Plan 232-1_Atrium Enclosure_1CA & 10B Plans
- Standard Plan 232-2_Atrium Enclosure_1CA & 10B Plans
- Standard Plan 24_Aluminum Patio Cover_25 Plan
- Standard Plan 25_Patio Cover Solid Wood_JJ-04
- Standard Plan 250_Typical Solid Patio Cover
- Standard Plan 251_Typical Lattice Patio Cover
- Standard Plan 255_Typical Skylight Plan_Flat Roof
- Standard Plan 256_Typical Skylight Plan_Sloped Roof
- Standard Plan 26_Patio Cover Latice_JJ-04
- Standard Plan 260_Typical Aluminum Patio Cover_Single Story Building
- Standard Plan 265_Patio Cover_Solid Wood-Built Up Rock_P-43 & P-43R
- Standard Plan 268_Room Addition Between Manor & Garage_Andaluz 43R
- Standard Plan 27_Skylight & Window Addition_JJ-04
- Standard Plan 28_Patio Cover Alum_6 Plan
- Standard Plan 29_Cadiz Skylight Plan_6 Plan
- Standard Plan 293_Glass Windscreen_Univeersal Plan
- Standard Plan 299-1_Atrium Enclosure_9 Plan & FG-04
- Standard Plan 299-2_Atrium Enclosure_9 Plan & FG-04
- Standard Plan 299-3_Atrium Enclosure_9 Plan & FG-04
- Standard Plan 3_Bathroom Remodel_1 Plan, AB-04 & 7 Plan
- Standard Plan 30_Patio Cover Solid Lattice_7 Plan & 0003
- Standard Plan 300
- Standard Plan 31_Bathroom, Living Room & Bedrooms_7 Plan & 0003
- Standard Plan 32_Skylight Additions Kitchen & Bathroom_7 Plan, 0003 & RO-03
- Standard Plan 33_Balcony Cover Solid or Alum_Majorca & Casablanca 8Plan
- Standard Plan 34_Glass Panel Windscreen_8 Plan
- Standard Plan 34_Windows and Window Attachments
- Standard Plan 35_Building Eyebrow_8 Plan, II-06, KK-08 & 22-6 Plan
- Standard Plan 36_Skylight & Window Additions Kitchen & Bathrooms_8 Plan
- Standard Plan 37_Skylight Addition_9 Plan & FG-04 Plan
- Standard Plan 38_Skylight Addition Bathroom_9 & 10a Plan
- Standard Plan 39_Bathroom Addition_9 & 10 Plan
- Standard Plan 4_Breakfast Room Addition_1 Plan
- Standard Plan 40_Window Plan Bedroom & Living Room_9 Plan
- Standard Plan 41_Patio-Atrium Cover Lattice-Solid_9 & FG-04 Plan
- Standard Plan 42_Patio-Atrium Covers_9, 10 & FG-04 Plan
- Standard Plan 43_Window Addition, Living Room, Bedroom & Kitchen_FG-04 Plan
- Standard Plan 44_Skylights -bathroom, hallway & Bedroom_FG-04 Plan
- Standard Plan 47_Bathroom Remodel_10 Plan
- Standard Plan 48_Skylight Kitchen_9, 10a Plan
- Standard Plan 49_Window or Door- Bedroom 1 to Patio_10A & 10B Plan
- Standard Plan 5_Skylight Addition & Window Addition_1 Plan & 1a Plan
- Standard Plan 52_Atrium Cover Lattice_10 Plan
- Standard Plan 53_Patio Cover Lattice_10 Plan
- Standard Plan 54_Balcony Covers_Castilla 21-22-8, HH-08, Casa Linda 22-26-6, II-06
- Standard Plan 56_Window Additions_HH-08 La Brisa, Castilla
- Standard Plan 57_Slylight in Kitchen_Castilla HH-08 & Plan 22
- Standard Plan 59_Wood Latice_Casa Linda, Casa Vista & Casa Del Mar II-06
- Standard Plan 6_Atrium Entry & Patio Covers_AB-04
- Standard Plan 61_Addition Window Bedroom_22-22-6 & II-06 Plan
- Standard Plan 61_skylight Additions Kitchen-Bath_K-08 II-06 Plan
- Standard Plan 63_001_Glass Windscreen_HH-08, II-06 & KK-08 Plan
- Standard Plan 63_002_Balcony Cover Alum, Eyebrow Cover Alum_HH-08, II-06 & KK-08 Plan
- Standard Plan 63_Glass Windscreen_HH-08, II-06 & KK-08 Plan
- Standard Plan 66_New Slider Window in Bedroom_22-22-08 & & KK-08 Plan
- Standard Plan 67_Patio Cover_PP-08 Plan
- Standard Plan 68_Patio Cover_PP-08, PS-08 & PQ-12 Plan
- Standard Plan 69_Patio Cover_PP-08 & PQ-12 Plan
- Standard Plan 7_Breakfast Room Addition_AB-04
- Standard Plan 70_Patio Cover_PS-08, PS-08 & PQ-12 Plan
- Standard Plan 71_Canopy Addition_PS-08 & PQ-12 Plan
- Standard Plan 72_Sun Shade_PQ-12 Plan
- Standard Plan 73_Window Addition_PS-08 & PQ-12 Plan
- Standard Plan 74_Additional Window Bedroom 2_PP-08 Plan
- Standard Plan 75_Window Addition Bedroom_PP-08 Plan
- Standard Plan 78_Patio Cover_SA, SB-04 & SA, SB-06 Plan
- Standard Plan 79_Patio Cover_SA, SB-04 & SA, SB-06
- Standard Plan 79_Patio Cover_SA, SB-04 & SA, SB-06 Plan
- Standard Plan 8_Room Addition_AB-04
- Standard Plan 81_Balcony Cover_SA, SB-04 & SA, SB-06 Plan
- Standard Plan 82_Den & Bath Windows_SA,SB-04 & SA, SB-06 Plan
- Standard Plan 84_Window Addition Bath 2_Garden Villa Casa Dorado
- Standard Plan 85_Living Room Window Addition_Garden Villa Casa Dorado & El Mirador
- Standard Plan 87_Bath to Breakfast Nook Conversion_Garden Villa Casa Dorado
- Standard Plan 87_Convert Bath to Breakfast Nook_ Garden Villa TB-24_SC-22
- Standard Plan 88_Glass Panel Windscreen_LH-02
- Standard Plan 88_Glass Panel Windscreen_LH-06 LHX-06
- Standard Plan 88_Glass Panel Windscreen_LH-21
- Standard Plan 88_Glass Panel Windscreen_RC-10 RC-11 RC-12 & RC-13
- Standard Plan 88_Glass Panel Windscreen_TB-24 SC-22
- Standard Plan 89_Skylight in Baths & Kitchen_TB-24
- Standard Plan 9_Skylight Addition & Window Addition_AB-04
- Standard Plan 90_3rd Floor BalconyTile Cover_TB-24
- Standard Plan 91_3rd Floor Balcony Canvas Cover_TB-24
- Standard Plan 92_Balcony Cover_Garden villa TB-24, Casa Dorado_Third Floor Units
- Standard Plan 94_Patio Cover_PA-04, PA04A
- Standard Plan 95_Front Entrance Canopy_Casa Bonita PA-04 Units C & D @ Bed Unit
- Standard Plan 96_Skylights Kitchen, Dining Room & Bath_La CAsita PA-04 Casa Bonita PA-04
- Standard Plan 97_Patio Cover_Casa Bonita PA-04 Units C & D
- Standard Plan 98_Aluminum Patio Cover_Hermosa SS-04_3 Bedroom Unit
- Standard Plan 99_Bedroom 2 Window_Hermosa & Mariposa