感謝感恩您們各位,對華聯會工作的大力支持及奉献,感謝這一年來,我們攜手共進,同心合力,散播愛心,壯大隊伍,為華人社區打造一個老年休閒娛樂的平台,使大家健康,快樂,安全的生活在這個美麗的渡假村。我們 對您們無限的感恩,您們的支持參與與愛護永遠難以忘懷。新的一年即將來臨,讓我們為華人社區,更加努力,辛勤耕耘,創造新花樣,調動更多興趣愛好者,挑旺華聯工作,使之成為華人可信賴之家!
Thank you all for your support to CAC! During this year, we have worked together to strengthen the club, and fostered a fun and healthy environment for the Chinese community within the village. CAC appreciate your support and participation in our activities during this year. The new year is just around the corner, we are looking forward to continue working for the Chinese community, provide more fun and safe activities for our members. Happy Holidays!
華人聯誼會 (CAC Board)
拉谷娜山莊華人聯誼會 || Chinese American Club of Laguna Woods Village