اشترك في الأخبار

يتشارك قسم الإعلام والاتصالات في خدمات إدارة القرية جميع الأخبار والأحداث والأنشطة المهمة التي يحتاج السكان إلى معرفتها. لا تفوتها!

The every-Friday “What’s Up in the Village” digital newsletter highlights the Village’s must-know current news, updates, events, schedules, how-tos and more, as well as news and notifications from outside the Village that affect your community.

Enrolling in news will also send alerts regarding closures, opening, schedule adjustments and more, including special emails from the Golden Rain Foundation.

If you are having troubles submitting the above form for enrollment, email information@lagunawoodsvillage.com with your full name, manor number, email address and we will assist you with enrolling.
