
Resident Services can provide you with all the information you need and answer administrative questions. Whether you seek assistance with the resident portal, the dwellingLIVE gate entry app, guest passes or getting a service request started for landscaping or maintenance, Resident Services is ready to help.

For assistance, please click the appropriate information or documents below or email us, call or visit us in the Community Center from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The best time to call is between 1 and 4 p.m., when call volume is lower.

24351 El Toro Rd
拉古納伍茲, CA 92637

Guests, visitors and residents driving a vehicle without an RFID decal must use our guest lanes. For faster clearance, register guests online 24/7 with 住宅直播, the easiest and fastest way to welcome friends and family to the Village. Residents can also call Gate Clearance at 949-597-4301.

Email or text gate passes to guests and vendors 24/7 using a smartphone, tablet or computer with dwellingLIVE. For more information on how to register your guests online, see a comprehensive dwellingLIVE tutorial or watch a Village YouTube channel video tutorial.

Annual guest pass and nonresident owner applications are available online and at all clubhouses, the Towers, the Laguna Woods Village Library and the Community Center. A maximum of five annual passes can be issued per manor.

View account balances, view and print statements, pay assessments or chargeable services via credit card, view work orders and submit service requests online.

With a vehicle RFID decal, residents can simply pull up within two feet of any resident lane gate arm to trigger arm lift.

RFID decals cost $25 per vehicle—and are valid for as long as you own that vehicle. The one-time $25 fee is not charged in monthly assessments. 

Secure an RFID by visiting Resident Services in the Community Center at 24351 El Toro Road with your valid vehicle registration.

For more information, email Resident Services at residentservices@vmsinc.org.

CR&R Inc. collects trash and recycling for the City of Laguna Woods and Laguna Woods Village. For trash, recycling and organics recycling questions, concerns or requests, contact CR&R at 949-625-6735 或者 LagunaWoods-Recycles@CRRmail.com.

For questions, contact Resident Services at residentservices@vmsinc.org 或者 949-597-4600. See below to access forms and documents.
