Political Stumping in the Village

United Laguna Woods Mutual and Third Laguna Hills Mutual each have policies regarding campaigning and distributing election and/or printed materials. Materials include, but are not limited to, door hangers, flyers, posters, pamphlets, etc.

Each corporation requires that any materials for social, political, educational or noncommercial purposes, including petitioners to gather signatures, to be distributed to residents shall bear identification as to its source. Additionally, any individual or entity distributing such materials shall comply with the following conditions.

Distribution of Material

Door-to-door distribution of material is permitted, as long as the act of distributing it does not rise to the level of creating a nuisance for Village residents.

Material distributed door to door may be secured under the doormat or near the thresholds of front doors or hung from doorknobs but may not be placed in USPS delivery points or left on vehicles anywhere. Closed gates may not be opened.


Only members or their designated agents are permitted to gather signatures on petitions. The petition must remain in the possession of the signature gatherer (there can be no unattended petitions).

Posting of Material

  • Posting locations are limited to those areas reserved for posting, such as laundry room bulletin boards and are available only for residents.
  • Only one posting per subject matter, per organization, is allowed.
  • The size of the posting in the laundry rooms shall not exceed 5.5 by 8.5 inches for United and 6 by 8 inches for Third to allow space for other postings.
  • Each posting by a resident, or resident organization, must identify the posting individual’s name and posting date.
  • Any material considered lewd or vulgar will be subject to removal.
  • Election postings must be removed after the election date.
  • All material must comply with state, federal and community laws.
  • Removing postings of others is prohibited.

Knocking on Doors

Knocking on doors or ringing doorbells to contact residents is only permitted weekdays from 10 a.m. to dusk, excluding national holidays. Honor all “No Solicitation” or “Do Not Disturb” signs.

Reporting Violations

Report violations to the Security Services Department by calling 949-597-1400 or contacting the Compliance Division at 949-268-致電 or by email at compliance@vmsinc.org.  

