TV6 播出九月秀

Thursdays in September (September 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29)

Sing along to your favorite songs from the 陽光錶演俱樂部‘s eighth major show. Originally presented at the Clubhouse 3 Theater on June 11, 2011, this song-and-dance program will air every Thursday in September at 7 p.m. on TV6. The original show was $1, and donations from sponsors and the audience raised $2,000 for Alzheimer’s research.

Seventeen members of the club performed Broadway, country, opera and other favorites. Performers pictured above from top row left: Frank Buchanan, Irene Sellers, Suzanne Wyman, Toni Olivera, Betty Hutchinson, Art Yanes; middle row: David Hartman, Sunshine Lutey, Jonathan Harrington, Beverly Dumas, Chuck Pereau; bottom row: Chuck Meyer, Ed Hayes, Susan Hsu, Marlene Carr, Allan Couzens, Vern Smith.

Highlights of the show include: 

  • Susan Hsu performing for the first time as a Sunshine Performance Club member
  • The “Rhapsody in Rhythm” tap dancers entertaining the audience with their planned and impromptu routines
  • 99-year-old Frank Buchanan singing his heart out
  • Vern Smith playing a harmonica duet with Marlene Carr’s piano accompaniment
  • Ed Hayes performing his impersonations of past icons
  • New guest performer Jonathan Harrington singing as well as accompanying singers on clarinet and piano 
  • Chuck Pereau raising his sonorous tenor voice 
  • Guest performer Allan Couzens leading several song ensembles
  • Beverly Dumas singing in vocal ensembles and accompanying vocalists on piano
  • Art Yanes keeping the beat with his bass guitar and accompanying Frank Buchanan on the ukulele with Chuck Meyer playing harmony on the violin
  • Sunshine Lutey and emcee David Hartman performing a duet together and solos separately

If you miss the airing on TV6, 點這裡 to watch on YouTube.

For more information, contact Sunshine Lutey at 949-278-6454 或者,或參觀陽光錶演俱樂部 網站.
