措施 T 大麻稅和開設藥局的提案

Clubhouse 2, Sequoia Ballroom
Tuesday, September 13
3 p.m.

The Village Cannabis Club invites you to learn about November election Measure T, the Laguna Woods-only cannabis tax and proposal to the city to open a cannabis dispensary outside Gate 3 in an already-leased building. The venture aims to offer well-paying jobs, including management positions, to residents and stands to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars for Laguna Woods. If you missed the first meeting on August 26 in Clubhouse 5, you have a second chance to attend on September 13 in Clubhouse 2. Refreshments will be served.

For more information, contact Lonnie Painter at 949-533-7947 或電子郵件 lonniepainter@yahoo.com.
