
The Republican club of Laguna Woods objective is

  • To promote a wider knowledge of the principles and policies of the Republican Party and the Constitution of the United States.
  • To encourage active participation by Club Members and cooperation with other Republican organizations.
  • To work for the election of Republican Party nominees—local, state and national.
  • To increase Republican registration and voter turn-out of all registered Republicans.
  • To strive to cut governmental spending and eliminate costly, overlapping, and unnecessary governmental programs by electing Republicans.
  • To educate members and the public through speakers that discuss our common values of economic prosperity, cutting taxes and government waste, and a return to education excellence.


July/August 2024 Light on America



Light on America (July);

  • April 2024 Meeting;

  • 作者


    04 / September / 2023

    NEW Show – CH6 Village TV Show “Light on America”

    This is the first episode of “Light on America” featuring Pat Micone and Ro Kendall.


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