



In July of 1969, Christine Pensinger contacted several dog owners in Leisure World with the idea of forming a CANINE CLUB. A petition with 250 signatures was presented to the Director of Education and Recreation requesting permission to form such a group. Approval was granted. The first meeting of the CANINE CLUB was held on August 12, 1969, in Clubhouse 2. It was voted that the official name of the club would be “THE CANINE CLUB OF LAGUNA HILLS.”


  1. To work with owners and dogs so that they will become better members of the community.
  2. 促進對狗的愛、興趣和適當照顧。
  3. To establish ground rules for owners and dogs living in Laguna Woods Village.

自 1971 年 1 月 28 日起的養狗規則

  1. Dogs must be on leashes at all times when outdoors, in compliance with Orange County regulations – Ordinance No. 1403 which states all dogs must be on a leash not over six feet long with the master at the other end of the leash.
  2. 主人有責任照顧自己的狗。
  3. 不要讓長時間連續吠叫的寵物獨自打擾鄰居。
  4. 攻擊其他寵物或人類的惡毒狗不得居住在拉古納伍茲村。 
  5. 州法令要求所有狗都接種最新的狂犬病疫苗。
  6. 居住在拉古納伍茲市的所有狗都必須持有有效的狗許可證(城市條例)。
  7. Dog licenses are mandatory in Orange County. For more information 點這裡.


Our club’s goals are to promote the adoption of dogs, as well as educate dog owners in nutrition, behavior and provide a service with our therapy dogs for people in nursing homes and day care centers.


After hours animal emergencies or Urgent Care of South Orange County is located at 28085 Hillcrest Mission Viejo, CA 92692. Telephone: 949-364-6228. This Veterinary Clinic is located near Mission Hospital area. Hours: Monday through Friday 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. Weekends and holidays: Saturday noon to 8 a.m. Monday. If your emergency occurs during daytime business Monday thru Friday consult your local Veterinarian Clinic or Hospital. Another Choice is Healing Hearts Animal Hospital Tel 949-409-0333, open daily 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., weekends 24 hours. Near Gate 6 on 23501 Avenida De La Carlota d, Laguna Hills, CA 92653.

The Second Monday of the Month Meeting

The Laguna Woods Dog Club meets on the second Monday of the month except for the months of July, August and December. The month of June features a Picnic or a Dog Show. The months of July, August are dark. The month of December is the clubs Holiday Luncheon. The monthly meetings are held at Clubhouse 3 in Dinning Room 2. The meetings begin at 7 p.m. and generally over by 8:30 p.m. followed by a social time with refreshments. Special events dates and time are announced after the Dog Club receives the dates from the GRF drawings for dates and use of clubhouses every year. Monthly meetings and special events are published in the Laguna Woods Globe Newspaper, flyers at all clubhouse flyer racks and cable (Village Television). Members of the club either receive a e-mail notification or a telephone message if you do not have internet service. Club memberships are January 1 thru December 31 of the current year. Current membership dues are $15 for single or friend of dog and $20 for a couple. Renewals or new memberships can be paid at the monthly meetings by check or cash. By mail check only made out to Laguna Woods Dog Club and addressed to Laguna Woods Dog Club Box 2255, Laguna Woods, CA 92637 or address on application form. Meeting dates for 2024: Jan. 9, Feb. 13, March 13, Apr. 10, May 8, Sep. 9, Oct. 14, Nov. 11 (CH3, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.). The club is closed in July and August. December is the Holiday Luncheon. All club meetings are held in Clubhouse 3, Dining Room 2 at 7 p.m. for the time being while Clubhouse 1 is under construction.                                                                                                                                                     


Dog Walkers & Sitters list is available at the Laguna Woods Social Services Dept. in the Community Center Tel: 949-597-4267 HOURS M-F 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Dog Veterinarian Ambulance of Southern California Tel: 949-306-1019    
City of Laguna Woods Dog License Applications are available at City Hall.                                                                                                                  



13 / January / 2025

January Monthly Meeting

Clubhouse 1, Dining Room 3Monday, January 13, 20257 p.m. Join us for the next Laguna Woods Dog Club monthly meeting in the recently remodeled Clubhouse 1. The……

26 / August / 2024

September Monthly Meeting

Clubhouse 3, Performing Arts CenterMonday, September 9, 2024A7-8 p.m. Join us for the next Laguna Woods Dog Club monthly meeting in September at the PAC. Erika Volz, a……

28 / May / 2024

June Picnic

Clubhouse 5, Multipurpose roomWednesday, June 12, 20245-9 p.m.$18 Join the Laguna Woods Dog Club for a picnic in June! The picnic will be catered buffet style……

1 2 3


2023 年 10 月 07 日


2023 年 10 月 9 日星期一晚上 7 點在 Clubhouse 1 Art Gallery Room 舉行的 10 月月度會議以您選擇的兩部電影為特色:最佳…

06 / 二月 / 2023




俱樂部/組織不屬於或附屬於拉古納伍茲金雨基金會 (GRF)。 GRF 不認可、批准或授權任何俱樂部/組織的任何特定行為或活動。俱樂部/組織對其自身及其會員和客人的聲明、行為和/或不作為承擔全部責任。俱樂部/組織全權負責遵守所有適用的 GRF 規則以及所有適用的聯邦、州和地方法律、法規、規範、條例和法規。 GRF、其管理代理人、其董事、管理人員和員工不會對俱樂部/組織未能遵守上述任何規定承擔責任。請參閱 GRF 娛樂部門政策文件以了解更多資訊。