
Cooperative living

United Laguna Woods Mutual is a non-profit cooperative housing corporation that owns and manages all real property within the original 21 cooperative mutuals. In a cooperative, residents are members of a corporation that owns all real property, including the dwelling units, carports and laundry facilities within the mutual’s boundaries, and each member is entitled to occupy a specific dwelling unit under the terms of an occupancy agreement.

As members of United Laguna Woods Mutual, each resident enters an occupancy agreement to pay a share of the property taxes, maintenance and other operating expenses. United is governed by board of directors elected by its members.

  • Cooperative: 6,323 memberships

The United board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the Community Center board room. The board of directors is elected to serve staggered three-year terms annually in October.


Refer to the online board meeting calendar for specific board and committee meeting dates, times and more details including canceled or rescheduled meetings notices.

Architectural Controls and Standards Committee
Governing Documents Committee
Landscape Committee
Maintenance and Construction Committee
Members Hearing Committee
Resident Advisory Committee
