It takes a village to run a community the size of Laguna Woods Village!
Multiple volunteer boards of directors, a managing agent with approximately 800 staff members and hundreds of other resident volunteers are committed to making the Village the best community it can be for its 18,600+ residents.
Laguna Woods Village is organized under California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation law. As with any homeowners’ association, various rules and regulations govern operations. Under California Civil Code §51.3, at least one occupant in a Village manor must be 55 years of age or older. All other persons who reside in the household must be at least 45 years of age. Retirement is not a requisite for residency. Any person wishing to reside in the community must obtain prior approval from the appropriate board of directors.

Who are Third, United, the Towers, GRF and VMS?
New and established residents alike hear many terms on a regular basis, the most common being Third Mutual, United Mutual, Mutual No. Fifty, GRF and VMS. What do they all mean?
Corporations and boards of directors

Golden Rain Foundation (GRF)
GRF is responsible for all shared community amenities, including security, recreational facilities, the bus system. Corporation leadership consists of an 11-member board of directors, elected by GRF’s corporate members—the housing mutuals.