Democratic Club



Meetings and Events

June 22 Meeting at Clubhouse 2:  Saturday Brunch with Toni Atkins. In lieu of our normal Tuesday meeting and summer picnic, this brunch is our main fundraiser event, featuring guest speaker Senator Toni Adkins, President Pro Tem Emeritus of the California Senate and candidate for Governor in 2026. She represents the 39th Senate District, which includes San Diego.


  • 9:15 a.m.: Doors Open, Opportunity Drawing & Mimosas
  • 10:00 a.m.: Program
  • 11:15 a.m.: Brunch Buffet
  • To RSVP online, go to
  • For more information and to RSVP by mail, check out the flyer 這裡.

We are looking for local gift cards, primarily to restaurants, markets, big box stores, or gift shops, in values
of $25 – $50 each. All local restaurants are very popular. Contact by email, text, or telephone: Kate Van Camp (773) 841-0287, or to check the list of gift cards already received. Remember all donations must be received a week in advance, that’s by June 15!

Food Drive:  Sue and Richard Snyder organized a food drive for South County Outreach at Stater Bros. on Monday June 3.  We’ll need 4 volunteers from 10:00-12:30 and 4 volunteers from 12:30-3:00. Please contact Sue Snyder: Thanks!




Membership is open to all Laguna Woods Village and Orange County residents. Regular Members are registered Democrats; Affiliate Members need not be.
2024 Membership Application: https://www.lagunawoodsvillage download, print and mail, or use the Act Blue website link.


Our Club’s Purpose

The purpose of the Club is to stimulate greater interest in government affairs, to further the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party, to increase Democratic Party registration and turnout, and to elect Democratic candidates who will truly support the United States Constitution and work for the highest degree of economic and social justice and welfare for all people.


Voter Information

March 5, 2024 Primary Election Results

Get Out the Vote (GOTV)!
Reminder: SEND YOUR BALLOT EARLY IN NOVEMBER! At least 104 ballots for the March primary in SoCal were postmarked on time, but arrived after the 7-day deadline. Please mail your ballot before election day to ensure that it arrives on time. Better yet drop it in a Ballot Drop Box or at a Vote Center.  Here are some opportunities for volunteering:

  • GOTV Committee — to establish a plan starting in October
  • Team Leads — to be point person for a group of volunteers in your area.
  • Distributing door hangers — with our voting recommendations to Democrats and NPPs
  • Voter registration
  • Even if you have volunteered before, please confirm if and what you are interested in by emailing

Contact Your Representatives — Click Here:


Village TV

  • Democratic Club:  Public Education advocates Teri Sorey and Billie Joe Wright speak out about the OC Board of Education, charter schools, and the
    importance of school board races.
  • Black in Laguna Woods: Allan Feldman interviews Dom Jones, candidate for California Assembly
    District 72, about her life, her work
    background, and her journey to
    running for political office.



  • Nifty Sixty Fundraiser:  — Founded in 1964, the Laguna Woods Democratic Club is celebrating its 60th birthday. This fundraising campaign, which will be in effect from January 2, 2023 through October 31, 2024, will provide funds for candidates and community causes during this time. Send your check to the LWDC, P.O. Box 2243, Laguna Hills, CA 92654-2243 or donate through ActBlue –…
  • Neighbor to Neighbor Program:  Neighbor to Neighbor volunteers have been busy going door to door, speaking with registered Democrats who are not yet members of the Laguna Woods Democratic Club. We remind our neighbors that voting for the primary election begins on February 5, 2024. We will all benefit from bringing more Democrats into the Political Action Committee that is LWDC. Contact Jeanne Lepowsky at (949) 636-9123,
  • Mentoring Program — Do you want to have an impact on the lives of your peers? Join the LWDC Mentoring program. To achieve the club’s mission we need to complete a vast number of functions requiring the leadership of many. These leaders comprise the club’s Board of Directors who, in turn, rely on the help of many volunteers. All the following programs are led by an individual: program development for monthly meetings, special events, the Get Out the Vote program, the voter registration/postcard writing program, the membership drives, the activism program, the fundraising efforts, the hospitality team, newsletter, the Care and Share program, and board nominations. Each one of these requires a leader who is committed, knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Do you have what it takes? Are you willing to become one of our next leaders? Please call us and become part of the team. We will happily show and teach you “the ropes” and welcome you with open arms. It’s also a lot of fun. So don’t wait any longer. Send an email to Susan Dearing at and let her know where you see yourself as a leader within our Club. Can’t wait to hear from you. This new year is the perfect time to become a leader.
  • 2024 Fresh Ideas Initiative: The next brainstorming discussion for the Fresh Ideas Initiative will be on Tuesday, June 4th, from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m., in the Grevillea Room (next to the office) at Clubhouse 2. Decaffeinated coffee will be provided; bring your own everything else. This is a chance to hear about ideas from our first meeting, then brainstorm other ideas for the future and discuss the hot topics of the day. Come ready with your thoughts, or just show up to enjoy company with your like-minded friends. Watch your inbox for further information.  To send your ideas, whether tame or absolutely wild, or to join the (not too burdensome) working group, contact Kate by email or text at, or phone the following number (773) 841-0287.


TOGETHER We Can Make a Difference!

Updated: 5/27/2024


2023 年 4 月 21 日

Newsletter Links

YEAR 2024 (Newsletters are posted the month after they are distributed to members via email or postal mail) Year 2023 (Click on the month you……


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