Clubhouse 1, art gallery room
Monday, February 12
The Laguna Woods Dog Club monthly meetings are back in 2024! The first monthly meeting of this year will be on Monday, February 12, at 7 p.m. in the art gallery room of Clubhouse 1.
There will be a short business meeting followed by an open question period. This month’s fun program will feature taking pictures with you and your dog.
This is an open meeting for Dog Club members, guests and residents of Laguna Woods Village.
It’s also that time of the year to renew your membership. Join this amazing club today! For more information, call 949-228-2462 or visit the Dog Club website. Dog Club applications are available online or at the meeting.
At the end of the meeting there will be a prize drawing for a $25 gift card for a pet store.
A few reminders:
- If you have dog items you no longer need, contact South County Outreach 在 949-380-8144.
- A list of dog walkers/sitters are available at the Social Services Department (949-597-4267).
- Complete dog license applications in person, online or via mail with Laguna Woods City Hall.
- Please be aware coyotes are being spotted everywhere, all hours of the day, in singles and in packs.
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